Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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detail of Caravaca de la Cruz


The Day of the Region of Murcia is held this year in Caravaca de la Cruz (14/05/2010)

The official event held every June 9 on the Day of the Region will be held this year in Caravaca de la Cruz, as confirmed yesterday at the Regional Assembly the Minister María Pedro Reverte, who explained that Murcia and want to acknowledge the efforts being Caravaca by the organization and development of the Holy Year 2010.

Also, Reverte said several municipalities had been shuffled to celebrate the official event and finally chosen was to Caravaca de la Cruz.

The official ceremony will be held in the theater Thuillier, and during the Presidents of the Autonomous Region and the Regional Assembly give speeches.

Furthermore, given gold medals and diplomas of distinguished service to the College of Nursing and the Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives, which this year celebrates the anniversary of its establishment, and the team of doctors, specialists in transplantation, directed by Dr. Pascual Grill Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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