Severa González, Sergio López Barrancos, Víctor Martínez-Carrasco and José Francisco García have held a meeting with representatives of the Caravaca embroidery sector and the Caballos del Vino Bando to explain the initiatives undertaken to promote this craft
The Community is carrying out the appropriate procedures to request the creation of the new professional qualification 'Embroidery and restoration of embroideries', a title that could benefit more than 600 embroiderers from the Region of Murcia who have not yet had an official title.
In order to publicize these procedures, Severa González, Sergio López Barrancos, Víctor Martínez-Carrasco and José Francisco García have had a meeting with the embroiderers and designers of Caravaca de la Cruz, to which representatives of the Wine Horse Federation have also attended. of religious brotherhoods.
From the regional government "we bet on the traditions of our region and we want this recognition to involve the consolidation of this art so attached to Caravaca as a professional work with a future vocation, highlighting the valuable work done by the embroiderers for the maintenance of this traditional work ", explained Sergio López.
To this end, the Ministry of Education, through ICUAM, works with representatives of the embroidery sector to identify and create a new professional embroidery qualification, which will allow certificates of professionalism to be imparted and vocational training courses to be created.
This working group has been preparing the dossier that was sent last month to the INCUAL of the Ministry of Education for its implementation at the national level.
A future professional qualification of embroidery would allow, in addition, that the current workers, who develop their work without proper recognition, can see accredited their competence with an official degree, through calls Prear (Procedure of Recognition, Evaluation, Accreditation and Registration).
It will also ensure the possibility of training to meet the needs of the sector that has a presence throughout the Spanish geography and is often essential in such important traditions as the Caravaca Wine Horses.
Seve Gonzalez explained that the SEPE, at the request of the Regional Employment Service (SEF), approved a new training specialty non-formal training called 'Embroidery in silk and gold' that will allow the sector to request training within the calls supported by the SEF .
For his part, José Francisco García recalled that from the Popular Party of Caravaca requested the competent authorities in the field of training and qualification, to design and promote certificates of professionalism or training specials own on the craft of embroidery and the Regional Service of Employment and Training so that while working on the previous objective, training specialties are carried out.
Garcia stressed that from the PP of Caravaca is working to make the embroidery a recognized and future job, which allows to generate stable employment and quality.
Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz