The partners of the European initiative 'App Shoe', which aims to improve the professional training applied to the footwear sector, have met at the Caravaqueño Institute Ginés Pérez Chirinos.
It is the only 'Erasmus KA3' project conceded in Spain, with an allocation of more than 300,000 euros, and one of the eleven that is underway at European level.
The Councilor for Education and Youth in the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, Ana Luisa Marcos, and the general director of Vocational Training and Special Education Teaching, Sergio López, have participated in the third working table of the project 'APP Shoe', in which has also been represented the Association of Footwear Companies of the Northwest 'Calzia', the Regional Service of Employment and Training (SEF) and the Technological Center of Footwear and Plastic (CETEC).
Through this project, the IES Ginés Pérez Chirinos and the Cazaturiero Polytechnic Institute of Padua (Italy) exchange experiences in order to address the problematic of outdated shoe training plans and incorporate the experience of success in the Veneto region of Italy, the area of ​​Europe where a greater number of companies in the sector are concentrated.
The project 'AppShoe', funded by the European Union, was launched in October last year, with a duration of 24 months.
The objective is focused on developing a work-based learning, analyzing the specific needs of the companies, the deficiencies in the legislation and the training plans to elaborate proposals that are carried out through the implementation of pilot initiatives.
To this end, a cooperation structure has been established between partners of different origins and functions: SMEs through their representative association, a technology center, two VET providers and a competent entity in occupational training.
The project is linked to an interregional strategy between the Italian model of Calzaturiero Polytechnic and the Northwest Region of Murcia.
The idea is to export the good practices of Politecnico Calzaturiero de Padua (Italy), where a professional qualification in Footwear Design and Manufacture is well established.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz