Caravaca de la Cruz raises its voice against gender violence with the reading of manifestos in all the secondary schools of the municipality and in the Plenary Hall of the Consistory.
The institutes' Ginés Pérez Chirinos', 'San Juan de la Cruz', Óróspeda 'and the school' Our Lady of Consolation 'have celebrated various activities on the occasion of the' International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women '.
Next, the Councilor for Social Services and Women in the City of Caravaca, María José Soria, has proceeded to read the manifesto issued by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, stressing that this day should not exist but, unfortunately, is a scourge social that is very present and rooted.
"When thousands of victims each day suffer the loss of the greatest violation of Human Rights, local entities reaffirm our rejection of each of the sexist manifestations, however harmless they may seem, as well as our absolute condemnation of aggressions. and the murders that break the peace in our territories, "he said.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz