The general secretary and candidate for the presidency has indicated that the Region of Murcia is a "diamond in the rough" in terms of tourism, culture, heritage and parties.
Although, we have had a government that for 24 years "has not done anything to promote it, develop it and create wealth both on the coast and inland."
When "we throw the PP, we will bet to make our festivals and traditions a tourist engine that serves as a lever to revitalize the various regional regions, such as the Northwest.We need to diversify tourism, invest in accommodation and make this sector more competitive to increase at once the number of people who visit us and the money they invest here "
Óscar Urralburu, who has supported the celebration of Caravaca's Wine Horses as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by Unesco, has assured that the Northwest region is the perfect example of "how the Popular Party has squandered all our tourism potential" .
Far from diversifying, Urralburu said, and to spread "the spectacular and unique of our festivals and cultural heritage", what the PP has done is "opt for a cheap model of sun and beach that does not go beyond the months of There is no deseasonalization, there is no support for the interior territories, there is no investment so that there are more hotel beds and there is not enough promotional support. "
For this reason, the candidate of Podemos has presided over the Region of Murcia, we are convinced that "with a change of government, tourism policy will also change, as it shows, the Caballos del Vino, a party that many Murcia and Murcia do not know because they can not come to be working day.
That is why Óscar Urralburu recalled that Podemos proposed that it be a regional holiday, at least in the Jubilee years.
It would have been a way for the entire Region to get closer to know this unprecedented experience throughout Spain. "
Source: Podemos Región de Murcia