We do not understand how a 300 million euro contract is awarded to a company with no experience in the sector.
The Secretary General of the Socialists of Caravaca, Pepe Moreno, said that "three months ago we managed to paralyze the award of the ambulance contract full of shadows and irregularities, defending the interests of our people and, of course, from a position of justice "
Upon knowing the final award, Pepe Moreno has participated in a meeting called by the general secretary of the PSRM, Diego Conesa, the national deputy, Mari Sol Sánchez Jódar, 7 regional deputies and representatives of different companies in the Region of Murcia, including ambulances Martínez Robles of Caravaca de la Cruz, to express their support and inform them that they will demand a commission of investigation on the awarding of the ambulance service by the Murcian Health Service, since the process has been opaque, was even suspended by the general intervention who found serious irregularities.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz