The advisor of the Presidency in office, Pedro Rivera, visited today, accompanied by the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Francisco García, the works that are carried out in the street Elías de los Arcos under the Works and Services Plan ( POS) of the Autonomous Community for the amount of 26,000 euros.
The works consist of the execution of a new road surface more in line with the use of the area than the current one and adequate to the environment, acting at the same time in the replacement of potable water, sewage and scuppers connections for rainwater collection and proceeding to the replacement of the existing previous horizontal signaling.
Pedro Rivera recalled that the contribution of the Autonomous Community to various actions contemplated in POS 2018-2019 in this municipality "amounts to 400,000 euros, contributed entirely by the Community, and that it is about actions as diverse as the renewal of public lighting, that of drinking water and sewage networks, or that of the pavement and sidewalks in various streets and sports courts, and not only in the urban area, but also in districts such as Barranda, Singla, Almudema and Archivel ".
Source: CARM