The caravaqueña district of Los Prados is the headquarters of the European 'Touch of life' meeting, where 25 young people from Lithuania, Greece, Armenia, Estonia and Spain meet.
The general director of Youth, Fran Sánchez, and the councilor who directs the area of ​​Youth in the Caravaqueño Consistory, Laura Sánchez, visited the participants in this meeting, which is part of the 'Erasmus +' program and is held at the Casa del Wheat from the hamlet of Los Prados and in the Young Center.
The activities, led by the association 'Euroacción', are focused on enhancing the well-being and personal development of young people and improving emotional intelligence to face daily challenges and interpersonal relationships or conflicts.
For this, games and dynamics are developed based on body expression and reflection, with non-formal education group techniques and dynamics applied to youth.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz