The spokesman of the Municipal Socialist Group, Pepe Moreno Medina, said that after the recent award by the Murcia Health Service of the contract "Terrestrial Health Transportation Service in the area of ​​the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia" to a joint venture of a process plagued with complaints, revisions and many doubts that led to the suspension of the same by the delegated intervention that warned of defects in the drafting of the specifications in the bidding clauses, referring to the presence of some sections that possibly covered the consideration of non-rectifiable infringement of the regulations governing the contract, the amount of which is 304 million euros.
The award has caused, among other issues, that Murcia companies in the sector, among which is the Caracas-based company Ambulancias Martínez Robles SL, remain outside the provision of this service in the nine health areas, companies that have Hundreds of workers, who, after this award, see their jobs clearly endangered.
This situation may also affect the quality of the service that until now was being provided by companies in the Region of Murcia, who know first-hand, the characteristics of the same, since the winning companies are from regions as far away as Galicia, and therefore unaware of the reality that affects the Murcia Health Service.
Given that, finally, this tender has been awarded within this sea of ​​doubts, claims, possible irregularities, temporary suspension of the procedure, reports from the Regional Board of Administrative Contracts, with a total absence of transparency and good management,
For all the above, the Municipal Socialist Group of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, presents the following agreements for discussion and approval by the Municipal Plenary:
1. To express support for the Caravaqueña Ambulancias Martínez Robles SL companies, in their claims against the bidding process.
2. To urge the political groups with representation in the Regional Assembly of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to approve the proposal to create a Special Commission of Inquiry on the Land Sanitary Transportation Service in the Region of Murcia.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz