The general secretary of the PP of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Santiago Villa, has appeared at a press conference to explain that the project of Budgets of the year 2019 "wants to unlock the City Council and order the chaotic situation left by the PSOE with exhausted accounts"
The general secretary of the PP of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Santiago Villa, has appeared at a press conference to explain the position of the Popular Group before the draft Budgets of the year 2019 that is debated in the Plenary Session of the City Council.
Villa has stated that "the new municipal government is obliged not to lose a single moment to unblock the administrative situation as a result of the lack of political management. Our goal has been and will be to work responsibly from the zero minute to move forward, look at the present and to the future and face a multitude of issues that have accumulated in the drawers. But first we have had to reorder the situation with this technical budget. "
"Enough opportunities have been lost these last four years. The blockade and the paralysis cannot continue one more day if we want to continue opening the doors of the City Council and provide the services to which the caravaqueños are entitled. That is why we have taken the Plenary the budgets in the first month of new municipal government, an exercise of pure responsibility, "said Villa.
The secretary general of the popular has explained that "obviously they are not our budgets, they will be the ones we will approve in December, which will reflect our political project. They are purely technical budgets to end the year, necessary to continue fulfilling the functions of the administration local until the 2020 accounts come into force in January. "
In his speech, José Villa added that "here there is a palpable change in doing things, beyond words. We will leave behind the legislature of excuses. In a month we have been able to bring to plenary the municipal budget that It should have come months ago The last promise of the previous mayor was to bring it in the month of March, but it was not fulfilled The law requires that they be in force at the beginning of the year Incomprehensibly there was time for all kinds of campaigns, except for bring to plenary the budget, which is the fundamental and basic tool of the City Council and the way to put solutions to the problems of the neighbors.
José Villa has offered some data that dismantles the false discourse of the PSOE of debt reduction and social policies, rather by allocating items to 'bread and circus'.
Thus, the general secretary of the PP explained that there is only 11% of the budget to cover current expenses in the second half of the year.
"In month six of the year, Education spent 100% of its annual budget, Culture and Heritage 82%, Social Services 86.6%, Sports 92%, Celebrations 120%, Youth 85% and Urban Planning and Works on 82%. This is the expense committed by areas before the elections, "Villa detailed.
Likewise, he explained that the short-term debt (suppliers, companies, freelancers ...) amounts to 5,820,000 euros and that the current cash is 700,000 euros.
In these four years a debt has been generated with the cleaning service, garbage collection and gardens of 1,400,000 euros;
a debt with the cleaning service of public buildings such as schools of 585,000 euros and 119% of the budget of Festejos have been spent while 600,000 euros of social services are owed, according to Villa.
Villa has said that "we would like all the councilors of the Corporation to want to look forward to the general interest of the caravaqueña society. We reach out again to all political groups, but with one premise: we have all we want to Caravaca is doing well and not with those who only care that his party is doing well. We said it in the first plenary session and we offer it again in the second, this is everyone's house and the one that is excluded from political management it will be because it does not see beyond its acronyms and because it does not accept the understanding and dialogue that the caravaqueña society has demanded. New policies for new times, based on common commitment and ideas and dealing with problems. "
José Villa has emphasized that "the PSOE has been the last four years more pending of the opposition, than to fulfill their duties and obligations as municipal managers and this is today a tangible reality in the town. We must put an end to four barren years ".
Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz