The councilor of the Treasury argued that these are technical budgets, conditioned by the circumstances, with which coverage is given to expenses that had been left without financial endowment and sold-out items are reordered in the first half of the year
The budget includes investments worth 1,432,800 euros, with actions to recover assets and improve infrastructure and roads, among other aspects
The City Council of Caravaca de la Cruz approved its general budget for 2019 in the second plenary session of the new mandate with the favorable votes of the Popular Party and Citizens and the abstention of the Socialist Party.
A level accounts both in its facet of both income and expenses, amounting to 23, 7 million.
The mayor thanked the work of the Department of Finance and the municipal intervention department to bring to the plenary session these technical budgets, "which are an exercise of responsibility and a fundamental step to start this new stage, unlocking pending issues, rearranging the situation of councilors and avoiding the loss of investments already committed to financing other administrations. "
In this regard, he noted that about 90% of the 2019 budget has been consumed in the first half of the year.
"It is the first budget presented by this government team, with a great limitation due to the level of execution of the items and the expenses that the previous government team had left without budget allocation," according to the words of the head of the Treasury, José Carlos Gómez , which advanced the commitment to present the 2020 accounts before the end of this year.
Gomez added that other objectives of this budget, in addition to the aforementioned, go through compliance with the legal requirement to approve the budget for the current year;
avoid losing investments in public works financed by administrations and tendering overdue public service contracts that are in an irregular situation.
"Budgets are the main tool to respond to the needs of neighbors," he said.
As for the chapter on current expenditure, which contains personnel expenses, it increases by 2.44%, partly due to the general increase in the remuneration of personnel in accordance with Royal Decree-Law 24/2018 and its impact on Social contributions.
In real investments, financed both with own resources in the amount of 808,101.34 euros and with capital transfers from other administrations amounting to 624,769.53 euros, different actions are reflected in the restoration of cultural heritage (690,000 euros), revision of the General Urban Planning Plan (50,000 euros), infrastructure and roads (150,000 euros), improvements in sports facilities (60,000 euros), construction of niches in the cemetery (60,000 euros), furniture of the Archaeological Museum 'La Soledad' (10,000 euros), increase in library funds and reading centers districts (10,000 euros), among other actions.
Motions on Caravaca Jubilar, the state of the public health transport contest and the consultation for election of pedáneos were discussed in plenary
Within the matter of urgent matters, three motions were discussed.
First, the motion presented by the Municipal Socialist Group on bringing to the September plenary session the proposal to dissolve the Caravaca Jubilar society, which was rejected with the votes against the Popular Party and Citizens, which, although they agreed at the bottom of the proposal, not so within the deadline.
The motion on the situation of the Martínez Robles company was also put on the table, which has among its points of agreement to urge the Regional Assembly to create a commission of inquiry on the health transport service in the Region of Murcia.
The point went ahead with the abstention of PP and CS as there was no agreement on the proposal to modify the second point of the motion consisting of the review of the contracting process by the Ministry of Health in the position of the commission of inquiry in the regional parliament.
Finally, the motion presented by the Popular Party and Citizens for the election of the mayors mayors was approved unanimously, approving the process that will regulate this consultation, in accordance with the Municipal Regulations for Citizen Participation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz