The Councilor for Education explained that the project 'School of Families' is "a training forum and meeting to acquire tools on the education of children" and has advanced that in the first quarter of 2020 there will be another conference in Caravaca
Caravaca de la Cruz will host two talks within the project called 'School for Families', organized for the second consecutive year by the Regional Government Ministry of Education.
The first of these talks, offered by the journalist and Communication consultant María Zabala, will take place on November 6, at 6:30 p.m., in the auditorium of the House of Culture 'Emilio Sáez', and will address how Educate in internet times.
The Councilor for Education, José Fernández Tudela, explained that 'School of Families' is "a training forum and meeting to acquire tools on the education of children" and recalled that "there are many families requesting such activities specific, that the Ministry of Education launched last year. "
The contents of the 'online' courses, located on the 'Form @ carm' platform (, have been designed by psychologists, social mediators, teachers and pedagogues, among other experts, and are distributed in blocks that address issues such as' Knowing how to study ',' Learning difficulties', 'Responsible use of the internet', 'Family reading', 'Emotional intelligence,' Children without alcohol ',' Grow up reading with me 'or' Positive parentality '.
The first quarter talks will address issues such as 'Educate in times of internet: challenges and opportunities';
The second quarter will focus on the question of how to 'Educate from respect: guidelines to prevent situations of harassment'.
In the last quarter we will talk about 'Educate and learn for life.
Inclusive education'.
The Councilor for Education has stressed that the 'School of Families' "makes available to parents tools and resources to respond to the needs of families in relation to the education of their children at different ages, with training and guidance to parents and favoring the prevention of future problems ".
For Fernández Tudela "this School tries to strengthen the role of the family in the education of students with an active character, beyond the participation in the governing bodies of the educational center. The involvement of fathers and mothers in all aspects of development social, emotional, emotional and academic of their children is considered key in the Strategy of Educational Success, promoted by the regional Government ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz