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PP: The PSOE falls into cynicism and lies disqualifying a plan to improve the cleanliness of Caravaca that was not able to do in four years (12/12/2019)

Mónica Sánchez: "I would be ashamed to make an assessment of a shock cleaning plan that they had to carry out for four years because it was in the contract, that is a waste of money and wasted means, wasted time and effort, accumulating dirt by their neglect "has ended

"To carry out this cleaning previously we had to solve the prohibition of the use of drinking water for street and sidewalk beaconing, a point with treated water has been enabled that is not potable but is suitable for this use, since in the four previous years also did not take measures in this regard, "he added

After the initial crash plan, intensive sector cleaning will continue to be done every Wednesday of the year

PP spokeswoman Monica Sanchez said that "the PSOE falls into more extreme cynicism disqualifying a plan to improve the cleanliness of Caravaca that was not able to do in his four years of government."

Sanchez has argued that the demonstrations of the Socialists criticizing these cleaning tasks in the municipality "are full of inconsistencies and lack of rigor."

"The crash cleaning has been carried out as a result of the neglect of maintenance during these past four years. It was a demand of the citizens and as soon as we had everything organized it was undertaken with the coordination of police and the cleaning company", has explained.

This plan has been carried out with little cost to the town hall, reinforcing the special equipment with four people, a pressure washer, a sweeper and a gum machine.

The work has focused on cleaning with pressurized water from sidewalks and streets, affecting the corners with specific products for dog droppings;

withdrawal of posters in public spaces;

cleaning graffiti on monuments or public buildings;

Chewing gum removal on sidewalks and plazas.

"Waste of money has been not controlling the company to do these tasks during the four years of socialist government, as stated in its contract, and this effort that we have made the current government team has been the result of that neglect," he stressed Monica Sanchez

The councilor has listed the actions and deadlines and areas of action of the plan, reaching 23 sectors of the urban area, the four urbanizations, the 14 districts and the industrial estate.

"In places where it had never been cleaned before, never," he emphasized.

This plan began on September 9 and finished the 23 sectors, the four urbanizations and the 14 districts on October 16 and on Saturday October 19 ended with cleaning in the industrial estate of Cavila.

Mónica Sánchez has reiterated that in her four years of government the socialist team did not undertake any improvement, neither in the state of cleanliness of the municipality, nor that of parks and gardens, "which I also remember, from this government team they are carrying out improvement work on irrigation systems, with new plantations and improvement of the maintenance of green areas. They did not provide a single solution in their four years. "

"To carry out this intensive cleaning, we previously had to solve the prohibition of the use of drinking water for street and sidewalk washing, a point with treated water has been enabled, which is not potable but is suitable for this use. We in a month we solved that problem, they also did not take measures in this regard in their four years, "added the councilor.

"After the crash plan, we will continue to perform intensive cleaning by sectors, every Wednesday one of them is carried out. This work enters into the contract of the company. But it is also part of our work to be in direct daily contact with the cleaning company, pending the best possible performance, the socialist team cannot say the same, because during its mandate this was not done, "he said, who added that" urbanizations have been systematically neglected, in Today we have set specific dates on the calendar where cleaning and garbage collection has become a reality "

Monica Sanchez has apologized to the neighbors for the inconvenience caused in the development of the work of cleaning of shock and has also recognized that, "of course, everything is improvable".

"I insist, everything is improvable, but we are striving to improve the maintenance of this municipality, taking concrete measures that are visible to all neighbors, and are also a very clear demand."

"I would be ashamed to make an assessment of a shock cleaning plan that they had to carry out for four years because it was in the contract, but that is a waste of money and wasted means, lost time and effort, accumulating dirt due to their neglect", It is finished.

Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz

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