Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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The Caravaca Local Police intensifies the daily controls to ensure compliance with the confinement during the state of alarm (06/04/2020)

The City Council of Caravaca, through its Department of Citizen Security, has various measures in place to guarantee the full operation of the local Police staff, which will also be reinforced with the arrival of three new officers

The Consistory has requested the support of Army personnel for weekends and holidays in order to reinforce and alleviate the workload of the Civil Guard and Local Police

The mayor, José Francisco García, has reported that there are 11 patients admitted to the Comarcal del Noroeste Hospital, as reflected in the daily report of the Ministry of Health

The City Council of Caravaca de la Cruz has informed of the main measures taken to guarantee the full operation of the Local Police, while a state of alert remains due to the spread of COVID-19.

Before taking stock of these three weeks in matters of citizen security, the mayor, José Francisco García, has offered data on the incidence of COVID19 in the municipality, reporting that there are currently 11 cases that remain admitted to the Comarcal Hospital, residents of different municipalities in the Northwest.

"These data reflect that Caravan society is doing things right. We are one of the Murcian municipalities with the lowest incidence of the virus, which in turn is also well below the rest of the Spanish communities," José said. Francisco García.

The mayor has stressed that these positive figures should not serve in any case to raise the guard, but to the contrary.

"The situation could change quickly and last longer if we relax with the mandatory measures, something that I am sure will not happen, since it is the health and people's own lives that are at stake," he said.

Special alarm status device

Both the Mayor, José Francisco García, and the Councilor for Citizen Security, José Santiago Villa, have expressed their maximum recognition to both the Local Police and the Civil Guard for their dedication, professionalism and effectiveness in complying with the weekly measures are planned at the Police Coordination Table.

Likewise, they have highlighted the important support of Civil Protection and Red Cross volunteers in essential efforts for especially vulnerable groups in Caravan society, such as in the purchase and distribution of food and medicine to elderly people without direct family help.

But the fundamental piece, as José Francisco García has highlighted, "is citizen collaboration and, although it is a difficult and long situation, it is key to continue counting on the involvement of all, so we ask for patience and appeal again to responsibility."

Daily surveillance and control tasks

The councilor who directs the area of ​​Citizen Security and Traffic has reported that in order to guarantee the measures of the State of Alarm decreed by the Ministry of the Interior, controls are being carried out at the accesses to the urban area and on the roads with the highest traffic flow, what has been added a reinforcement of police presence in districts and in the old town.

As a result of surveillance and control, Local Police agents have identified more than a thousand people, 700 vehicles have been inspected and a hundred sanctions have been formalized.

Another of the outstanding tasks of the Local Police is the work that is carried out in coordination with the Health Center and the Regional Hospital of Area IV of Health to guarantee the confinement of those people who must be quarantined in their homes.

Permanent reinforcement of agents in the Police and Army support on the weekend

The Local Police of Caravaca de la Cruz will be reinforced with three more officers, thanks to the measure approved by the Autonomous Community that consists of postponing the last training courses in the academy so that they can immediately join the staff, advancing the practical training to resume the theory once the alarm state ends.

The mayor has reported that the presence of the Army has been requested at the weekend, a reinforcement measure that also alleviates the workload of daily patrol and control tasks for the Local Police and the Civil Guard of our municipality during the This health emergency situation is already close to twenty-five days.

This measure began this past Saturday with the presence in Caravaca of more than twenty members of the Cartagena Anti-Aircraft Regiment, within the framework of the BALMIS operation, which the Army, Air Force, Navy and UME have been developing throughout the territory national.

Caravaca City Council is in contact with the Government Delegation to be able to extend the measure to the next weekends.

Internal measures in the Local Police

Lastly, Councilor José Santiago Villa has detailed the main internal measures adopted to ensure the security of the Local Police, such as the provision of protection material for officers or the reinforcement of the cleaning and disinfection tasks of the facilities. and police vehicles.

The Department of Citizen Security and the Local Police Headquarters also opted for a system in which shifts do not overlap.

"Fixed couples have been formed in all to prevent contagion and, in case of any possible symptom, the agent is isolated and subjected to the test," said the councilor, noting that for the moment there have been no positives in the workforce.

Likewise, within these internal measures, requests for shift changes, own affairs and vacations were canceled to keep the staff tight and unaltered, with the aim of minimizing the risk of contagion.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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