| "which means a total of € 184,631.44 uros annually" | From the PSOE an amendment amounting to 79,232.42 Euros was proposed to the government team, which would be subtracted from the salaries of senior officials and cabinet staff, the amount of which would go entirely to people suffering from the COVID-19 crisis and this amendment was rejected by the eleven councilors of the Popular and Citizen Party.In addition to having more than four releases, the Popular and Citizen Party pact has a secretary for the deputy mayor, something that makes history in the Caravaqueño consistory.From the Municipal Socialist Group we want to express our discomfort, since the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, argued in the past full on the budgets that currently have the same releases as in the previous legislature something that is not true.The releases that the government team has are the following:José Francisco García, mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, has a 100% release, which amounts to a total of 49,000 EurosJosé Carlos Gómez, Councilor for Economy and Tourism, has a 75% release, which amounts to a total of € 31,240.44 urosMónica Sánchez, councilor for Urban Planning, Public Services, Health and Equal opportunities, who has a 75% release, which totals € 31,240.44 urosAna Belén Martínez, Councilor for Personnel, Employment, Commerce, Consumption, Hospitality and Crafts, Environment, Rural Development and Animal Protection, which has a 75% release, which amounts to a total of € 31,240.44 urosJosé Antonio García, Councilor for Works and Maintenance, Agriculture and Livestock and Districts who also has a 75% release, which amounts to € 31,240.44.José Santiago Villa, councilor for Citizen Security and Communication, who has a 25.62% release, which amounts to a total of 10,669.68.In total, the government team spends € 184,631 on releases, € 44, which amounts to more than 30 million pesetas a year.In addition to this, this government team makes history in the caravaqueño consistory, since it is the first time that a deputy mayor has his own secretary, which seems to us all nonsense and even more so when we are going through very difficult times for all citizens due to the crisis caused by COVID-19.From the Municipal group an amendment was proposed to the Government team that is addressed to people suffering the crisis and the social effects of COVID-19 with an amount of 79,232, 42 Euros that would be cut from the items of "High positions remuneration Electives "," Cabinet Personnel "and" Protocol and Representative Services "and this amendment was rejected by the Government team.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz