The telephone number enabled by the PSOE in Caravaca de la Cruz to request an appointment is 651 33 45 15 and the public opening hours will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 p.m.
to 8:00 p.m.The socialist mayor María José Soria has reported that the PSOE congratulates and celebrates the measure implemented by the Government of Spain, since it is a tool that aims to help households with lower incomes and who are at risk of poverty severe.Soria has announced that from last June 15 and until next September 15 you can request the Minimum Life Income.This measure of a social nature and that will help those who have the worst time, was approved on June 1, so that despite not being able to be requested until June 15, it will have retroactive effects."Socialists are concerned about inequality and as political leaders we have to work to prevent these inequalities from occurring, creating instruments such as the Minimum Vital Income, which manages to correct the deficiencies in people who need it, without forgetting that a of its keys is that it does not deter labor participation ", highlighted the socialist councilor María José Soria, who said that the Minimum Vital Income (IMV) is aimed at households in a situation of" severe poverty ", which in Spain they are encrypted around 20%."In our municipality, 9.4% of the population is at risk of extreme poverty and this IMV, which the Government of Spain has approved, will help families who are having the worst time.
It will be hundreds of Caravaqueños and Caravaqueñas who will leave for ahead, thanks to this great initiative launched by the progressive government of Spain.
This help to the most disadvantaged was enormously necessary and has come from the hand of a Government that thinks about people, which is social and fights against inequalities " The socialist mayor María José Soria has clarified.For its part, the socialist councilor Gema Robles, has listed in detail all the requirements and requirements to take into account to request this unprecedented social measure in Spain:BENEFICIARIESThe members of a family unit.People between 23 and 65 years old.People of at least 23 years and less than 65 who sharing the same address with the same coexistence unit are not integrated into it.
That is to say:Not be joined to another by marriage bond or as a domestic partner.Not being part of the coexistence unit, that is, having no link between the people who live at home.There are some exceptions to access the minimum vital income, and the previous requirements will not be taken into account with:Women victims of gender violenceVictims of human trafficking or sexual exploitationOthers that are established by regulation.WHO CAN BE HOLDERS?Persons with full capacity to act are entitled to this benefit, who request it and receive it in their own name or in the name of a coexistence unit.The holders, who when they are integrated in a coexistence unit, must be 23 years old and under 65.
They can be holders of legal age or emancipated minors when they have children or minors in foster care for the purpose of adoption or foster care.Exceptionally, people over 65 or under 23 can be holders when there are no members in the family unit of the required age and meets all the requirements.In the case of not joining a family unit, the minimum age to be a holder is 23 years.In the same domicile there may be a maximum of two holders.Of course there are exceptions, they may be holders of legal age, victims of gender violence, human trafficking and sexual exploitation.REQUIREMENTS TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT:Have legal and effective residence in Spain continuously during the immediately previous year.Being in a situation of economic vulnerability, which is proven taking into account your assets and your level of income and income.Having requested the current pensions and benefits to which you may be entitled.ue the coexistence unit has been formed for a year.Appoint registered as jobseekers, in the case of emancipated older or younger people who are not working.6 For applicants who live alone, not integrated into the same cohabitation unit, it is required to have lived for at least three years prior to the application independently of the parents.OBLIGATIONSWhen receiving this benefit, the beneficiaries also have obligations, and will be subject during the time the benefit is received to the following obligations:Provide accurate documentation and informationCommunicate any change or situation that could give rise to the modification, suspension or termination of the benefit within 30 days.Reimburse the amount of benefits improperly received.Communicate in advance the exits abroad, both the owner and the members of the coexistence unit.
Exits abroad for less than 15 days once a year will not be considered.Submit the statement corresponding to the income tax of natural persons annually.
(RENT)To be registered as jobseekers, people who are not working.Participar en las estrategias de inclusión que promueva el Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones.Y cualquier otra obligación que se pueda establecer reglamentariamente.Para finalizar la rueda de prensa, Gema Robles ha anunciado el teléfono al que pueden dirigirse las personas que vayan a solicitar el Ingreso Mínimo Vital y el horario en el que permanecerá abierta al público la sede del PSOE para atender a los demandantes del Ingreso Mínimo Vital.También ha resaltado que toda la información sobre el IMV se llevará a cabo desde la sede del PSOE con los protocolos establecidos para los posibles contagios frente al COVID-19
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz