| The campaign has the triple objective of strengthening the 'Commerce and Hospitality of Caravaca' brand, improving and unifying its digital presence and implement measures to collaborate with the sector in the face of the COVID-19 crisis | Among the actions of the first phase are direct discounts that incentivize purchases, aid to collaborate in the costs of adaptation to the COVID-19 safety regulations, as well as a website and communication actions "Every time we consume in Caravaca, we give a pulse and boost to the economy and the life of our municipality because they are generators of employment and without them the life of the streets will be extinguished," said the mayor, José Francisco García The Councilor for Commerce and Hospitality pointed out that these measures "are intended to help, not to solve, the critical situation that these sectors are going through, since it requires the involvement of all the competent public administrations and also a public commitment to the circular or proximity economy " 0.
With the triple objective of promoting the 'Commerce and Hospitality of Caravaca' brand, improving and unifying its digital presence and launching aid to collaborate with the sector in the face of the crisis caused by COVID-19, the Caravaca de la Cruz has launched the first actions of the 'We beat with you' continuity campaign.
In addition, within this impulse plan, two lines of subsidies are going to be granted and the public road occupation tax has not been charged since March, which means 100,000 euros for municipal coffers. The mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Francisco García, and the councilor responsible for the area, Ana Belén Martínez, presented this campaign that will continue, through different initiatives, in the coming months, in which all public establishments can participate.
of the locality.
The presentation was supported by the associations of hoteliers ('Hostecruz') and merchants ('Comercio Asociado de Caravaca'), in the person of its two presidents, José Luis Galiana and Cynthia Pedraza, respectively. "Every time we buy and consume in Caravaca de la Cruz, we give a pulse and boost to the economy and the life of our municipality because they are generators of employment and without them the life of the streets is turned off," said José Francisco García, ensuring that "the City Council and, I am convinced, that each and every one of Caravaqueños will be helping to the best of our ability to overcome the damages of the hardest and most difficult health, economic and social stage in our recent history" . The mayor also pointed out that "in these weeks - the most complex since March in terms of the incidence of the pandemic - preventing the collapse of the health system and slowing down the galloping advance of this disease is an urgent and priority objective.
First of all, we have the responsibility to save lives and, with our behavior, we can make a decisive contribution to ensuring that this situation gradually subsides and does not continue so seriously over time, so that the social and economic damage is the least possible " . The Councilor for Commerce and Hospitality presented the first phase of this campaign, which will be dynamic, enduring over time and will be adapted to each era and moment.
"Commerce and the hotel industry in Caravaca are one of the most important economic engines of our town and, in recent months, we have prepared this local campaign with the hope that the situation will improve as soon as possible," said Ana Belén Martínez. The mayor Ana Belén Martínez also indicated that these measures "are intended to help, not to solve, the critical situation that these sectors are going through and that they require the involvement of all the competent public administrations and also a citizen commitment to the circular economy or proximity ". Aid to collaborate in the expenses derived from the adaptation of the businesses to the COVID-19 security measures One of the subsidies is intended for autonomous companies, micro-companies, and small companies in the hotel industry and commerce to face the expenses derived from preventing the pandemic, covering 75% of the investment they have made in elements such as screens, wastebaskets, hydroalcoholic gel, posters, signage, cleaning and disinfection products, protective equipment, up to a maximum of 300 euros per request. 'Bonolatidos' to encourage purchases with direct discounts The other help line is a direct subsidy for retail trade and involves the issuance of 3,000 discount vouchers in the participating establishments, of ten euros each, applicable from November 14 to December 6 (except on discount days and Black Friday promotions). "I encourage all customers to take advantage of these discounts because a purchase of 25 euros will cost you 15 euros, in a purchase of 50 euros you will save 20 euros and in a purchase of 75 euros, 30 euros, since you can accumulate up to three 'Bonolatidos' in each purchase, "said councilor Ana Belén Martínez. Comerciodecaravaca.es website The website shows and unifies the hospitality and commerce of Caravaca under the same brand and represents a commitment to digitization, even more necessary in the COVID-19 scenario.
In it - among other elements and tools - there is a directory with shops, hospitality establishments and other services so that customers and users can easily find and select the complete quality offer that exists. The Councilor for Commerce and Hospitality said that it is a page "that will be updated with support content and that, currently, there are already more than 40 public establishments or service companies that have joined through the section 'Register my local'". "We hope that the hospitality industry can return to open its doors as soon as possible, but many of them are still active through home collection or delivery and, therefore, we are also in contact with them so that they provide us with the data and we can make public their services and so they are available to everyone who needs it in an accessible and comfortable way for the client, "the mayor explained. Distribution of promotional material and free passport for the Caravaca Museum Network In addition to the campaign on social networks and the media, posters will be distributed to all local establishments in which the image of 'We beat with you' appears adapted to each activity. Otra acción de la primera fase de la campaña se ha realizado a petición de la asociación de Hostelería ' Hostecruz' y gracias a la colaboración de la Concejalía de Turismo.
Se trata del pasaporte de acceso gratuito a la Red de Museos de Caravaca de la Cruz entre su clientela. Plan Regional de Rescate al Sector Hostelero de la Región de Murcia Durante la presentación de la campaña 'Latimos contigo', también se ofreció información del Plan Regional de Rescate al Sector Hostelero que moviliza casi 37 millones de euros para apoyar a los 8.000 establecimientos y ayudarles a hacer frente a las consecuencias del cierre temporal decretado por razones sanitarias.
Un plan que fue anunciado el pasado sábado por el presidente de la Comunidad, Fernando López Miras, tras la firma de acuerdo con la Confederación Regional de Organizaciones Empresariales de la Región de Murcia (CROEM). Entre las ocho medidas adoptadas destaca una línea de ayudas por cierre temporal que pondrá a disposición de los hosteleros 15 millones de euros para hacer frente a gastos fijos como el pago de los alquileres, productos perecederos, impuestos locales no bonificados o suministros.Los establecimiento de 1 a 5 trabajadores recibirán 3.000 euros, los de 6 a 19 empleados 4.000 euros, los de 20 a 49 7.500 euros, los de más de 50, 10.000 euros.
Los establecimientos de hospedaje y los de banquete y ocio nocturno recibirán 10.000 euros. También se encuentra la línea de préstamos 'Reactiva Hostelería', que movilizará 10 millones de euros a interés cero, así como el programa 'Refinancia Hostelería', que pone a disposición de los hosteleros 2 millones de euros para cubrir los intereses de sus préstamos bancarios.
Todas estas medidas se completan con una línea con 3,5 millones de euros para hacer frente al pago de las cuotas de autónomos y la exención de aquellas tasas e impuestos que dependen de la Comunidad. El acuerdo entre el Gobierno de nuestra Región y la Confederación Regional de Organizaciones Empresariales CROEM incluye una mención expresa al Gobierno central, cuya ayuda también es esencial para el sector.
"Desde aquí nos sumamos también a esta importante reivindicación con medidas necesarias, urgentes y de su única competencia como ampliar el tiempo de los expedientes temporales de regulación de empleo; bajada del IVA al sector hasta el 4 por ciento; la suspensión del abono de las cuotas de la Seguridad Social, y la exención o moratoria en impuestos del Estado, así como un aplazamiento y flexibilización en la liquidación del IVA", destaco el alcalde, José Francisco García. El Departamento de Desarrollo Local del Ayuntamiento, a disposición del sector Para cualquier duda, los hosteleros y comerciantes pueden contactar con el departamento de Desarrollo Local del Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz, en el correo de nueva creación comercio@caravacadelacruz.es y a través los teléfonos 968 701 003 y 678 760 467. La concejal responsable del área puso de relieve el trabajo realizado por los técnicos del departamento con contacto directo para hacer llegar la información, así como el esfuerzo e implicación del sector para superar esta situación.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz