| The mayor has defended the historical, festive, cultural values and anthropologists of this Caracas celebration for diplomats to support them and transfer the representatives of each of the 22 voting countries | The meeting held at the Prado Museum-, has been chaired by the general director of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and the secretary of the National Commission of Unesco under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The 15 meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is held online from December 14 to 19 and, together with the Caballos del Vino as the only candidacy of the Kingdom of Spain, 41 files of numerous places of the world "The festival has maintained its pure essence and fidelity to the origin, with a tradition passed down from generation to generation, uniting those who left with the living and those who are to come.
A chain that not only has it preserved the legacy, but it has enriched it, "said José Francisco García Once the file has been reviewed by Unesco, the Ministry of Culture works on the last adaptations required by the evaluation committee The mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Francisco Garc a, has defended before representatives of embassies in Spain of member countries of the next UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee the candidacy of the Wine Horses and has requested their support for its possible inclusion in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
At the meeting - held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, in Madrid - the general director of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture, Mar a Dolores Jim nez Blanco; the secretary of the Unesco National Commission under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Leticia Pico de Coaña, and the mayor, who have highlighted the values ??of this festive, historical, cultural and anthropological manifestation.
Also present at the meeting, on behalf of the Government of the Region of Murcia, the general director of Cultural Assets, Rafael G mez; the first deputy mayor of the Caravaca City Council, Jos Carlos G mez, and the president of the Wine Horse Band, Javier Gallego.
"The objective is that in this final stretch the embassies endorse this unique candidacy of the Kingdom of Spain and thus transfer it to those responsible for this matter in their respective countries, who will participate and cast their vote in a manner telematics given the current circumstances of the global pandemic, "reported the mayor, who explained that" in recent months work has been done very intensively from the three administrations and from the Wine Horse Band, with the implication Total number of technicians from the Ministry of Culture, facing the Committee based in Paris.
Within these actions we have made ourselves available to all the countries participating in this edition to clarify any question or doubt and we also wanted to have the key figure of the embassies in our country ".
Once the file has been reviewed by Unesco, the Ministry of Culture works on the last adaptations required by the evaluation committee.
A historical ritual that keeps its origin pure and that has grown from generation to generation In relation to the candidacy that is dictated next week, the mayor has highlighted in his speech that "the Wine Horses are legend and history, rivalry and communion, commitment and celebration, passion and folklore, tradition and future, art and culture, strength and beauty within a celebration that brings together so many disciplines and trades and with so much dedication that it is capable of synchronizing the hearts of a united people ".
He also said that "the morning of May 2 is a real spectacle for the senses.
A visual watercolor that leaves no one indifferent." Jos Francisco Garc a has argued that "the festival has known how to evolve and adapt to circumstances, but always maintaining its purest essence and its fidelity to the origin, with a tradition that has been transmitted over time, uniting to those who left with the living and to those who are to come.
A chain that has not only preserved the celebration, but has also been enriching it and giving it momentum.
" In this sense, he stated that "for the love of the horse and a land, these festivals are a celebration of brotherhood, of cohesion, an embroidery of people to immortalize in the same plane, past, present and future".
Finally, he asked for support because he considers that the Wine Horses bring together the characteristics reflected in the text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and that it is none other than "sharing and preserving expressions that have been transmitted from generation to generation, they have evolved in response to their environment and help to instill in us a sense of identity and continuity.
" Jos Francisco Garc a thanked the Ministry of Culture and the management of the Museo Nacional del Prado for their collaboration and interest shown to carry out this meeting.
15th Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage The fifteenth meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is held from December 14 to 19, with a daily session lasting three hours.
During it, the debates will be carried out electronically in the original language, together with their respective simultaneous interpretations into English and French.
On this occasion the members of the Committee are 22 countries: Saudi Arabia, Azarbaijan, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Czechia, China, C ted'Ivoire, Djibouti, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan n, Kuwait, Morocco, the Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Poland, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland and Togo.
Along with the candidacy of the Wine Horses, another 41 files from many parts of the world will be judged, which choose to be part of the Representative List.
A career that began more than a decade ago It was in 2011 when the National Council of Historical Heritage held in Burgos authorized the Wine Horses to start the race to declare Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, beginning the writing of their file, which it has been adapting to new requirements introduced by UNESCO throughout this time.
In March 2012, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports registered the document for its evaluation at the Secretariat of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage (UNESCO, Paris).
Entre las acciones de impulso a la candidatura llevadas a cabo en los ?ltimos años destaca la puesta en marcha en 2014 de la Casa Museo de los Caballos Vino, situada en pleno casco hist?rico de la ciudad, en un recuperado inmueble del siglo XVIII.
Este espacio muestra la historia y desarrollo del singular festejo a trav?s de una colecci?n de piezas, complementada con im?genes y audiovisuales.
El espacio est? compuesto por ocho salas donde se refleja la implicaci?n de la ciudad en la fiesta, destacando el valor del trabajo en equipo, la salvaguarda de las tradiciones, el respeto al caballo y la fuerza de la juventud.
Los Caballos del Vino Los Caballos del Vino, junto a los Moros y Cristianos, son parte integrante de las Fiestas en honor a la Sant?sima y Vera Cruz de Caravaca (Regi?n de Murcia), que se celebran del 1 al 5 de mayo.
Est?n declarados desde 2011Bien de Inter?s Cultural Inmaterial con car?cter etnogr?fico.
Su origen est? documentalmente probado desde hace tres siglos, aunque es una manifestaci?n anterior, vinculada a la antiqu?sima ceremonia de la bendici?n del vino la Sant?sima y Vera Cruz de Caravaca, un ritual igualmente ?nico en el mundo que simboliza la protecci?n de la naturaleza.
Los documentos m?s antiguos de su celebraci?n datan de 1765 y desde entonces la tradici?n no ha dejado de crecer, convirti?ndose en enseña de la ciudad y en prueba de devoci?n y de apego a su historia.
Las caracter?sticas y valores mantenidos por los Caballos del Vino a lo largo de su extraordinaria historia se adaptan a la salvaguarda del patrimonio mundial inmaterial que promueve la UNESCO, puesto que este protege y vela por la continuidad de expresiones que se han transmitido de generaci?n en generaci?n, han evolucionado en respuesta a su entorno e infunden un sentimiento de identidad.
El objetivo de la UNESCO es preservarlas con la mayor integridad posible para las generaciones futuras.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz