| The president of the Murcia Region and the mayor have announced this project, coinciding with the start of the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO, which is held electronically with representatives of 22 countries | This event, with centuries of history and great popular roots within the Vera Cruz celebrations, is this year 2020 the only candidacy that represents the Kingdom of Spain to qualify for the declaration of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity A wide representation of the most popular cultural events and festivals in Spain has joined in a video to show their support for the Caballos del Vino candidacy for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, which is ruled this Wednesday, December 16, at the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.
The president of the Autonomous Community, Fernando L pez Miras, accompanied by the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, Jos Francisco Garc a, has announced this project just at the moment when said meeting starts intergovernmental, since it has been prepared as a final accolade to the campaign 'Everyone's heritage party' so that it can be viewed by the 22 countries that are represented telematically in the committee and verify the strength , roots and wealth of the celebration.
"The candidacy for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is not something casual, but truly worked to show UNESCO the many merits to achieve it.
It is the result of the efforts of many institutions, many men and women, but above all it represents a award for each Caravaqueño.
Every Caravaqueño, since birth, has had the luck and pride of feeling the living history of their town and also enjoying it ", highlighted López Miras, who highlighted that" in Caravaca de la Cruz, history is future, and the future is called Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity for the festival of the Wine Horses ".
Fernando L pez Miras has also assured that "it will be a joy shared by the entire Region of Murcia, proud of a cultural expression as unique and passionate as each one of the horse climbs and that it represents one of the most powerful images that our land offers to the whole world; without a doubt, the best letter of presentation.
Because these holidays, as the video that has given the image of his candidacy well narrates, transcends any Spatial, temporal or cultural scope ".
The mayor has pointed out that "regardless of the final result, the Wine Horses have already managed to be the heritage festival of the whole country as the only candidacy that represents the Kingdom of Spain before UNESCO.
For this reason, for Caravaca de la Cruz and for the Region of Murcia it is an honor to have reached this point that counted cultural expressions in the world achieve ", at the same time he added that" achieving this recognition and this global safeguard would be great news, an immense joy.
there is a recognition of a historical legacy that has fascinated so many and so many generations for centuries.
" José Francisco Garc a has had words of appreciation for the Government of the Murcia Region, which, through its Ministry of Education and Culture, has financed this video in which the Caravaca City Council de la Cruz had been working for months and putting all his enthusiasm to show the celebration before the UNESCO committee.
Likewise, the president of the regional Executive and the mayor have defended that the Wine Horses meet the characteristics contained in the text for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, since, in the words of the mayor, "they are a collective sentiment, they More than entertainment, they are more than a party, they mean more than that.
They are the expression of our identity and of our history, based on ancestral rites that have remained unchanged in recent centuries and that we must safeguard from anything that might distort them from their form and meaning ".
Spain launches a message of support for the Wine Horses For two minutes, the spot made in Spanish, English and French - takes a tour of some points of the Spanish geography collecting a message from the representatives of cultural expressions declared Intangible Heritage or deeply rooted festivals that say very loud that support the candidacy of the Caballos del Vino.
The audiovisual represents the closing of the campaign 'Everyone's heritage party', which was launched at the beginning of the year, with different actions, to support the unique candidacy of the Kingdom of Spain presented to this international body.
Flamenco, the Fallas of Valencia, El Misteri de Elx, the Horses of Sanl car de Barrameda, the San Fermines of Pamplona, ??the Bando de la Huerta of Murcia, Carthaginians and Romans of Cartagena, the Carnival of guilas, the Week Santa de Calanda, the Moratalla Drums, the Hell n Tamborada, the EntroidoXinzo de Limia de Galicia, the Mare de Deu de la Salut Algemes Festivities, the Rapa das Bestas de Pontevedra or the Men of the Moss of B jar appear in this video.
There are many other parties that would have wanted to be present in this audiovisual piece, but the current pandemic situation has impeded the recording process in recent months.
The objective of this video is to show that there are plenty of support and reasons for UNESCO to declare the celebration of the Wine Horses Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity this year.
15th Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Conditioned by the global pandemic situation, for the first time the Intergovernmental Committee of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage will not be a face-to-face meeting point for the countries that comprise it, but rather that these debate and cast their vote online.
The fifteenth meeting of the committee is held from December 14 to 19, with headquarters in Paris and a daily session lasting three hours.
During it, the debates will be carried out electronically in the original language, together with their respective simultaneous interpretations into English and French.
On this occasion, the members of the committee are 22 countries: Saudi Arabia, Azarbaijan, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Czechia, China, C ted'Ivoire, Djibouti, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan n, Kuwait, Morocco, the Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland and Togo.
Along with the candidacy of the Wine Horses, another 41 files from many parts of the world are judged, which choose to be part of the Representative List.
The Wine Horses The Wine Horses, together with the Moors and Christians, are an integral part of the Festivities in honor of the Sant sima and Vera Cruz de Caravaca (Murcia Region), which are celebrated from May 1 to 5 and are from International Tourist Interest.
Los Caballos del Vino est?n declarados desde 2011Bien de Inter?s Cultural Inmaterial con car?cter etnogr?fico.
Su origen est? documentalmente probado desde hace tres siglos, aunque es una manifestaci?n anterior, vinculada a la antiqu?sima ceremonia de la bendici?n del vino la Sant?sima y Vera Cruz de Caravaca, un ritual igualmente ?nico en el mundo que simboliza la protecci?n de la naturaleza.
Los documentos m?s antiguos de su celebraci?n datan de 1765 y desde entonces la tradici?n no ha dejado de crecer, convirti?ndose en enseña de la ciudad y en prueba de devoci?n y de apego a su historia.
Las caracter?sticas y valores mantenidos por los Caballos del Vino a lo largo de su historia se adaptan a la salvaguarda del patrimonio mundial inmaterial que promueve la UNESCO, ya que este protege y vela por la continuidad de expresiones que se han transmitido de generaci?n en generaci?n, han evolucionado en respuesta a su entorno e infunden un sentimiento de identidad.El objetivo de la UNESCO es preservarlas con la mayor integridad posible para las generaciones futuras.
Una carrera que se inici? hace m?s de una d?cada Fue en 2011 cuando el Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Hist?rico celebrado en Burgos autoriz? que los Caballos del Vino iniciaran la carrera a la declaraci?n de Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad, comenz?ndose la redacci?n de su expediente, que se ha ido adaptando a nuevos requerimientos introducidos por la UNESCO a lo largo de este tiempo.
En marzo de 2012 el Ministerio de Educaci?n, Cultura y Deporte registr? el documento para su evaluaci?n en la Secretar?a de la Convenci?n para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Inmaterial (UNESCO, Par?s).
Entre las acciones de impulso a la candidatura llevadas a cabo en los ?ltimos años destaca la puesta en marcha en 2014 de la Casa Museo de los Caballos Vino, situada en el casco hist?rico de la ciudad, en un recuperado inmueble del siglo XVIII.
Este espacio muestra la historia y desarrollo del singular festejo a trav?s de una colecci?n de piezas, complementada con im?genes y audiovisuales.
El espacio est? compuesto por ocho salas donde se refleja la implicaci?n de la ciudad en la fiesta, destacando el valor del trabajo en equipo, la salvaguarda de las tradiciones, el respeto al caballo y la fuerza de la juventud.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz