| Councilor M�nica Sï ¿½nchez has expressed that "we consider it essential that the Ministry of Health define and establish, as soon as possible, the order of all population groups" | "In relation to the alleged vaccination dates that have been announced by the Socialist Youth of Caravaca, the health authorities themselves are unaware of them.
How are we going to know the planning if not even the Minister of Health knows it , more aware of his candidacy for the Catalan elections than of addressing the most serious health crisis that Spain has had in the last 100 years ", M�nica S�nchez stressed Regional deputy V�ctor Mart�nez-Carrasco has stated that "when the PSOE comes out en bloc demanding more hiring of personnel to vaccinate more quickly, it seems to us that it does so out of political opportunism with the objective of Only to wear out to obtain electoral gain " "The SMS has been strengthened in a year with 3,300 professionals, that the SMS has enough health professionals and that after having trained 350 specialists, it is being vaccinated in morning, afternoon and weekend shifts.
In addition, there is a Health Contingency Plan that foresees tripling the ICU beds and 500 more in the hospitals of the Region ", he added 01-19-2021.
That the City Council of Caravaca de la Cruz requests the Government of the Nation to immediately implement a COVID-19 vaccination strategy, including a vaccination plan and schedule that takes into account all sectors of the population is the objective of the motion presented by the Popular Municipal Group for debate and voting in the ordinary plenary session on January 25.
The popular councilor M�nica S�nchez has presented this motion in a press conference together with the deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Regional Assembly V�ctor Mart�nez-Carrasco, and has expressed that, taking into account, the The need to have the plans designed and the necessary resources organized to continue the administration of vaccines to the rest of the population, "we consider it essential that, by the Ministry of Health, it is defined and established, to the greatest brevity, the order of all population groups.
In addition, this will mean clarifying and informing citizens of when and how the dose against COVID-19 will be administered ".
Vaccination against COVID-19 is unprecedented and requires different plans and logistics than the immunizations made so far.
The high amount of doses to be administered in the shortest time possible, added to the complexity of preserving, preparing and administering antivirals, represents an arduous and difficult job for autonomous communities.
Despite this, the communities are putting in place all the necessary resources to immunize the population groups included in the first stage in the shortest possible time.
By the way, this local information on the vaccination status and all the issues that have to do with the analysis and development of the pandemic are dealt with periodically in the COVID-monitoring committees.
19, in which are present representatives of Health Area IV, spokespersons for political groups of the corporation, councilors of citizen security and health and security forces and bodies, that is, local police and civil guard.
Well, for the last two months, the Civil Guard has not been present because it has not been authorized by the Government Delegation, which is incomprehensible and irresponsible.
The socialist political strategy leads them to the point of vetoing the presence of the agents in the COVID-19 committees, to avoid criticism for the management of the Cenajo hotel.
"The socialist group of Caravaca, which demands so much from the mayor and the president of the Autonomous Community in the supply of the vaccine, never asks the true body responsible for the management, which is the Government of Pedro Sï¿ ½nchez.
We are used to seeing the straw in someone else's eye, but not the beam in theirs, "said M�nica S�nchez.
"In relation to the supposed vaccination dates that Socialist Youth has published, the health authorities themselves are unaware of them.
How are we going to know the planning from the Consistory if not even the Minister of Health knows, more awaiting his candidacy for the Catalan elections than addressing the most serious health crisis that Spain has had in the last 100 years ", stressed M�nica S�nchez.
Once again the socialists of Caravaca demonstrate their political servility.
They demonstrated their incapacity during the four years of government in which they left no trace, and they continue to show it every day in their work as an opposition.
Political opportunity of the PSOE in order to obtain electoral revenue For his part, the regional deputy has stated that "it is not our intention to enter into the confrontation with the PSOE, but we do believe that it is important to provide some information, which avoids the distraction of what is really important, which is saving lives.
On the one hand, appealing to the individual responsibility of all, and, of course, demanding that those who have political and executive responsibility assume theirs ".
V�ctor Mart�nez-Carrasco explained that "tomorrow the Health Minister, Dr.
Villegas, will appear at the Regional Assembly.
He will do it as he has been doing since the beginning of the pandemic, since the beginning of the alarm, because it believes, because we believe, that in a situation of gravity such as the one we are experiencing, continuous, truthful information and a lot of transparency is required.
Very contrary to what unfortunately we find from the Central Government " .
Until January 18, 38,018 vaccines in the first dose and 1,005 in the second dose had been administered in the Murcia region out of a total of 39,023 vaccines received (98.64%).
"The order for its administration is by risk groups, prioritizing who is most exposed to the virus or has a greater risk.
That is why it began with residences, then with health workers and now with other groups.
of risk.
Vaccines are administered based on those received, a matter that does not depend on the Regional Government ", explained Mart�nez-Carrasco, who has stated that" when the PSOE comes out en bloc demanding more ¿½s hiring of personnel to vaccinate with greater speed, it seems to us that it does it by political opportunism with the sole objective of wearing down to obtain electoral gain ".
"On a continuous and regular basis, Minister Villegas holds meetings with all parliamentary spokesmen to report on the real state of the pandemic in the region, to explain what the situation is and to explain why they are taking the decisions that are made, and based on what epidemiological data the decisions are made.
The problem may be that Mr.
Conesa does not regularly attend these meetings (which are telematic ) and that is why he lacks information (for him and his spokespersons in the town councils) ", V�ctor has indicated.
"Surely, if Mr.
Conesa attended the meetings with the Health Minister, he would know that the SMS has been strengthened in a year with 3,300 professionals, that the SMS has sufficient health professionals and that after having trained 350 specialists are being vaccinated in morning, afternoon and weekend shifts.In addition, there is a Health Contingency Plan that foresees tripling ICU beds and 500 more in ICU hospitals.
the Region, "he added.
As it seems that he lacks this information, -V�ctor Mart�nez-Carrasco has wielded-, Mr.
Conesa prefers to demonstrate every day at the doors of a health center demanding the president of the Community greater speed in vaccination.
Doesn't that seem paradoxical with the data we have given you? "Bien estar�a que fuesen cambiando su discurso y que empiecen a reclamar a su jefe, el señor Pedro S�nchez, m�s vacunas para poder seguir vacunando.
Si lo recuerdan, el presidente del Gobierno de la naci�n anunci� un plan de vacunaci�n que ahora parece no poder cumplir", ha dicho.
"Es tan largo el listado de desprop�sitos que lleva acumulado este gobierno de España, que honestamente, no entendemos la postura del PSOE, ni en Murcia ni en Caravaca, al que ni en una sola ocasi�n les hemos o�do reclamar nada al Gobierno de España cuando a todas luces existe responsabilidad compartida".
El diputado regional ha argumentado que "el estado de alarma de seis meses, que tanto empeño puso S�nchez para aprobar evitando el control parlamentario, est� para hacer algo.
Debe coordinar una respuesta conjunta de todas las administraciones para que sean eficaces.
No diecisiete respuestas diferentes a un mismo virus.
Esto es un grav�simo error que lo estamos pagando todos".
"Y como alud�amos a la responsabilidad, insistimos una vez m�s que desde el PP siempre apoyaremos decisiones que est�n basadas en criterios cient�ficos y cl�nicos.
Lo importante es salvar vidas", ha finalizado.
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Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz