"We have not clarified by the end of the slide, when we are facing a work of an auditorium difficult to maintain and which contradicts the General Plan"
At the beginning of Plenary, it was a period devoted to the problem of the status of renovations of the slide.
This point was defended by the Socialist spokesman, Alfonso Sanchez, who asked all sorts of explanations but did not find much convincing answer from the mayor.
However, although the mayor said that work would resume on Tuesday this week by the company (which is in receivership), the fact is that they weigh too many questions for us to trust that everything what remains to be done soon, especially the main, the rain collector. Also ask for an explanation in Parliament by the statements contained in the press release that the government team issued on 16 June, in a short match with reality.
In this letter, the City Council stated that "the Governing Board agreed (two days before) immediately perform the remaining work for project completion, ...", where "the City Council to run the proceedings ...."
Among the works to be completed by the City Council included the "solutions for rainwater collection, for which it concludes that" there shall be immediate resolution of the works, ... "This will disengage from the contractor.
This was one of the issues for which we asked the Mayor and also asked the Secretary to say whether such statements made in press exactly match what was agreed at the said Board of Governors, of which we are not the Act had provided
Since the Mayor does not tell us anything in the House, and the Secretary did not rule on the agreement, the next day asking the Act and found that none of this was agreed by the Governing Board, as municipal officials, with Mayor to head back to practice the Dark Ages and truthfully on the situation of the works of the slide, as the City Council has not taken, which we record, any agreement that we consider crucial for the execution or termination of the contract, or even to safeguard Caravaca providers have still not paid.
From the ranks Socialists we reiterate the Mayor to publicly assume its responsibilities.
The following item was dealt the final approval of the Special Plan to manage the space that will house the "Multifunctional Cultural Center" or future audits.
Since all our arguments were rejected and proposals, we maintained our position absolutely critical, reaffirming that it violates the General Plan and also has not been evaluated, and justified, all the impacts that a large glass tower of 42 m will generate about Casco Antiguo, height is not provided in the General Plan.
For this reason, we ask that you request reports from the Directorate General of Land and Housing for it to rule on the question of legality and territorial opportunity this Special Plan as required by the Regional Land Law.
In this sense, we made clear at all times that we are all in favor of achieving good audience to Caravaca.
What we are discussing is whether we want a large impressive on the image of the Old Town, a volume that also will mean an extra cost for the damaged municipal coffers.
The government team has ignored all our proposals once again as it did with the work of the slide.
We do not understand or even agree to make a visual impact study and comparison of height to check the final height of the building.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz