The hamlet of El Moralejo will caravaqueña next October with a new primary care doctor, funded with 145,000 Euros by the Autonomous Community and the City of Caravaca.
The mayor, Domingo Aranda, visited the works, accompanied by the councilman of Health, Mercedes Velez and Works Councillor, Juan Pedro Sánchez.
The new office is being built on city-owned parcel next to the Social Hall.
The building has a ground with various agencies as a waiting room, outpatient clinic, nursing and administration.
The works will be completed next September and it is expected that this new service is operational in October.
"This center is added to the network of doctors and constructed in the districts of Archivel, Singla The Royos and bring order to improve health care for all residents of our municipality," as pointed out during site visit is responsible for the area of health in the Consistory, Mercedes Vélez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz