Following the statements by Mr López, the PP, which it accuses us of hiding information about the works carried out in the rural school of the Incarnation, during the month of August 2015, the following we want to make clear aspects:
Newcomers to the government team, Mayor-headman requested that some works were carried out in that school, that from the AMPA and the school management had spent years suing.
Such action was, according to technical reports, demolish existing garage in a small yard and adapt that space as playground for child students.
Fiber cement board, so often mentioned by the PP, is a cover of corrugated iron, a material used in many buildings in our town, and according to EU regulations should be gradually eliminated in 2028 deadline.
As for us a priority to respond to this problem, which never gave importance the former government team of PP, took advantage of the holiday period for the works last summer, so that at the beginning of the school year students were able to enjoy the new playground they had long been demanding.
Upon arrival to the local government solved this problem, the "real" risk of an old building in very poor conditions, which for many years was a danger to children / as playing every day in the yard;
and we did it without any desire for prominence or publicity, convinced that it was a need that had to be addressed.
According to technical reports by municipal staff, when such works were started there was at school any material requiring permission from the Directorate General of Labour, therefore did not need a specialized company and approved for its withdrawal.
The performances were following the usual procedure in smaller contracts.
The cost was assumed by the city under the credit reservation, the total amount of 8.396'72 € (VAT included).
However, today we are obliged to return on an issue, solved positively, which the PP has spent months trying to generate controversy, with a demagogic attitude towards such a sensitive group as the alumni / ae and their families, with the sole objective of getting political and electioneering revenue to try to wear down the government team.
The unhealthy obsession of some aldermen right to discredit every step we take them has led to commit the irresponsibility of trying to generate a totally unjustified social alarm, which have dared even to recommend students to stop attending school.
What is really worrying is to check that every day that passes, impotence that generates its role of opposition, prompting them to not respect any of the limits that ethics, coherence and political accountability recommend.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz