Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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The City Council allocated 170,000 euros to encourage recruitment and support entrepreneurs (07/07/2016)

The aim of the new employment plan is to boost the business sector as a source of job creation and economic development

The City of Caravaca de la Cruz has launched the first Business Development Plan and Employment of Caravaca de la Cruz, which contains several measures with the common aim of boosting the business sector as a source of job creation and economic development.

The I Business Development Plan and Employment of Caravaca de la Cruz has been presented by the mayor, Jose Moreno, accompanied by the heads of the departments of Employment, Tourism and Youth and by municipal technicians involved in the development.

In this sense, the mayor reported that these plans will be updated annually, "are one of the basic axes that articulate the work of the government team to help generate economic and social wealth, promoting the city as an attractive destination for investment and the creation and growth of companies and businesses. "

"It is absolutely necessary to José Moreno added support entrepreneurs individually and socially committed to their project."

Among the issues addressed in the Business Development Plan and Employment include aid to employers, workers, entrepreneurs and unemployed.

Specifically, municipal budgets for 2016 contemplate a game of 170,000 euros, which will go to grants for the establishment of new enterprises and aid for hiring workers.

Councillor of Finance and Employment, Julia Gimenez, presented the regulatory bases and the call for economic aid to be granted in 2016 to promote the implementation of new business projects by people who have a defined business idea and hiring an employee.

"The subsidies for unemployed people that are committed to creating an independent business, either as standalone or by other legal form of company, are up to 1,300 euros, and aid for hiring a new employee up to 1,000 euros, depending the cost of contributions to the Social Security employer during the first four months of contract, "said Julia Gimenez, who pointed out that such aid be requested in the General Register of the City, once published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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