The Minister of Water, Agriculture and Environment, Adela Martinez-Cacho, presented the results of the call for the development of actions to improve rural roads.
In the case of the regional government Caravaca arrange four rural roads, almost all requested.
In this first call, a total of 35 municipalities have submitted requests and proposed roads 217 performances, of which 81 have been selected, since the rest has not exceeded the minimum rating of the selection criteria established.
The municipality of Caravaca has a wide network of rural roads that provide access mainly to agricultural areas, "the network must be protected in a special way and manage ongoing maintenance to ensure that at all times be able to meet as the essential infrastructure is ", as explained by GMP spokesman Jose Francisco Garcia
Garcia has argued that "has always worked closely with the Regional Administration to improve and fix those rural roads in need, we must continue in this line and in the future to get the improvement and upgrading of this entire road network."
These actions are part of a plan of rural roads for the period 2016-2020 will allocate 16.17 million euros for carrying vials.
These measures are implemented through direct investments of the Community co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
The Municipal People in the City of Caravaca filed a motion last November in which he requested that recover and update the study on the state of the network of rural roads in the municipality in order to fix those in a worse situation found.
The motion was approved unanimously by all political groups.
Similarly, the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Regional Assembly presented another motion in March also aimed at the settlement of rural roads in the municipality of Caravaca.
Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz