The City of Caravaca de la Cruz makes summer schools in the town and in the districts of Archivel and the Incarnation.
The councilman of Youth and Education, Esther Poveda, recalled that the objective of this activity is to "facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life during the time school holidays and bring children leisure alternatives forms, based on education values. "
Summer School of the town is held in collaboration with the Centro Deportivo Caravaca and has a component of inclusion, since it has specialized monitors for the care of children with disabilities.
In addition, following the model of last year, the school also has a shed in inclusion, since, along with the other students, attend 38 under scholarships from the Consistory of families with socio-economic difficulties.
"At the end of each day, the scholarship students take home a picnic with daily meals, a service that is running for the second year so that no child stop taking a full meal healthy, the closure vacation school canteens" detailed Poveda.
The program 'Summer Youth 2016' consists of three different blocks of activities: summer schools, the specific workshops and training courses.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz