The consistory of the Northwest Region will be part of the Health Council Area IV, an advisory body approved in late June by decree published in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia.
The councilors responsible for the area of ​​Health in the municipalities of Caravaca de la Cruz, Cehegín, Bullas, Calasparra and Moratalla attended a meeting with the manager of Area IV, in which the composition of the board and functions thereof was analyzed.
This body is created with the consensus of all parties involved and the essential purpose of ensuring participation of the various institutional and social sectors in the development and monitoring of the health management of our health area.
The Health Council has been a vindication of municipalities Northwest, formalized in motions passed in the respective full, which has urged the regional government and Murciano Health Service to implement this body as a space for citizen participation to promote quality health policies.
The functions of the Health Council is to advise and make proposals concerning the protection of health and verify that the activities of the area Area IV conform to the rules and are developed in accordance with social needs and possibilities public economic sector.
In addition to the municipalities of the Northwest, the Health Council will be composed of representatives of Murciano Health Service, social and health associations, scientific societies, trade unions and business, neighborhood associations, consumers, volunteers and chronically ill.
The Health Council, attached to the Ministry responsible for health, is the top advisory and citizen participation in public health organ.
From its formal constitution, its members will play an advisory work.
To this end, they may make proposals on health policy and assess compliance and implementation of the guidelines and health plans to carry out health administration.
According to the decree published in June, two months opened to communicate to the parties involved the appointment of representatives and four months for constitution, so that the board should be operating in October this year.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz