Portal de Caravaca de la Cruz


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detail of Caravaca de la Cruz


More than 150 children have participated in municipal schools summer (08/09/2016)

More than 150 children, 38 of them received scholarships from the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, they participated in municipal summer schools, taught in the town and in the districts of Archivel and the Incarnation.

Councillor for Education and Youth, Esther Poveda, highlighted the inclusion component of this activity, with which the reconciliation of work and family life is also promoted.

In that sense, Poveda reported that the Summer School of the town has counted among its students eight children with disabilities, who have been served by specialized monitors.

In addition, a total of 38 minors, families facing socio-economic difficulties, have been awarded grants by the Department of Youth, Education and Social Services.

After the fun day at the Summer School, these students have taken home a pinic with daily food.

This measure as recalled Esther Poveda "ensures that minors do not stop taking a full and healthy food, to close for holidays from school meal service."

Another objective of the summer schools promoted by the caravaqueño City Council is to promote education in values ​​through a playful program, which includes activities such as dynamic, crafts, sports, games in English and trips to cultural spaces and natural.

Summer School of town has been developed during the months of July and August, in collaboration with the Caravaca Sports Center, attended by 130 children.

Schools districts were expecting 38 students, who participated in activities at school and in the swimming pool of Archivel and school of the Incarnation.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz

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