Miguel Sanchez: "We believe that adequate promotion can help the Jubilee Year is an economic boost for the whole region of Murcia and, especially, for the Northwest Region"
The Plenum of the Regional Assembly approved unanimously Citizens initiative to encourage and promote the 2017 Jubilee Year of Caravaca de la Cruz ..
Miguel Sanchez, regional spokesperson for Citizens said that "this is an event pilgrimage attended by citizens from many parts of the world and we believe that adequate promotion can help the Jubilee Year is an economic boost for the entire region Murcia, and especially for the Northwest Region ".
Sanchez believes that for this reason, "we believe that all governments need to be involved, but especially the regional, through the Governing Council, has to bet on the Camino de Caravaca de la Cruz and the Jubilee Year, in a determined way and clear ".
Orange spokesman stressed that training at the same time that this motion was discussed in the Regional Assembly has convened the first meeting of the Commission Interadministrative Caravaca Jubilee.
"Such a coincidence is not explained, if not by the Government's intention that both events are held at the same time deliberately. It is a pity that in a matter like this where we must go all together, there has been this coincidence"
The initiative of C's includes the promotion of the Jubilee Year by inserting the seal or logo of the same in all official documents of the Region of Murcia and its autonomous bodies, institutional advertising, advertising panels of newsrooms, and by inserting promotional announcements in the media.
Also, Orange has also requested training and promotion signaling the different pilgrimage routes to Caravaca de la Cruz, as the Way of the Apostle, the Way of the Lignum Crucis, the Way from the Pyrenees or the Camino de Levante.
Source: Ciudadanos Región de Murcia