"It is very serious to note that the person best prepared and trained to manage the most relevant tourist event that is going to live this year in our Region has not been chosen," says Gómez
Citizens demand the mayor to withdraw the competences on Tourism to the mayor María Gloria Gómez Sánchez, after she acknowledged during the plenary session held last night that she does not dominate the subject.
Orange spokesman José Carlos Gómez said that "it is a very serious fact that the person who is supposed to manage at the local level what is the most relevant tourism event to be held in the Region, such as the Jubilee Year , Recognize their incapacity and their ignorance in the matter ".
Gómez believes that the mayor should withdraw his competences on tourism and "look for a person better prepared and trained to manage an event that could be an economic and image boost not only for Caravaca de la Cruz, but for the entire region."
The socialist mayor acknowledged his lack of knowledge about tourism matters while trying to respond to a battery of 30 questions that the municipal group of citizens presented on the Tourism Master Plan, both in relation to the Jubilee Year and the future of the sector in The municipality and its region.
"The mayor did not respond most of them, evidencing both his acknowledged ignorance about the matter and the real lack of a serious policy and responsible for tourism by the socialist government team, something that seems very serious," he added The orange spokesman. Citizens are afraid that the mayor's recognized inability to manage an event of such magnitude "ends up having a negative impact on the interests of both our city and the Region, which has in the Jubilee Year an unrepeatable opportunity to boost its image And their economic development. "
Source: Ciudadanos Región de Murcia