Following the declarations of the Councilor for Tourism of the Caravaca City Council, Gloria Gómez, in which he compares the appearance of last Monday's Plenary with "a summary trial" of those made by Franco, Grupo Popular recalls that this appearance is a totally Democratic system contained in the internal organization regulation of the City Council.
This appearance was requested by the Popular Group within what it considers its work of opposition, which includes the control work to the management of the Government team, and approved in the January plenary session unanimously of all the groups.
Therefore, the declarations of the person in charge of Tourism seem to be out of place and disproportionate comparing that appearance with a dictatorial procedure.
At no time did the popular councilor Jose Santiago Villa, who asked questions to the Councilor for Tourism, disrespected him or was rude.
The pictures prove it.
On the other hand, the Councilor for Tourism, in its profiles of social networks, specifically 'Facebook', wrote yesterday that "the truth of what happened in plenary is not what the newspapers are told, it's the one I tell here."
It seems to us a serious matter that Mrs. Gómez questions the objectivity and the work of the media and makes her position prevail as if it were the absolute truth.
Add to this the attacks that from the institution of the City Council has done to the regional government, when its place was the local headquarters of the PSOE.
The first assessment of the PP after the Plenary has been prudent, but in view of the evident lack of management capacity of the council in its area of ​​Tourism and its obvious lack of humility from this Popular Group we ask the mayor to cease in their Functions and be relieved.
Source: PP Caravaca de la Cruz