The mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Moreno, has been appointed vice-president of the Committee on Tourism, Employment and Local Development of the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia (FMRM), during the meeting held in the municipality of Cieza, The presence of the Minister of Presidency, Mª Dolores Pagán, and mayors and councilors of the different consistorios murcianos.
The commission is presided over by the mayor of Los Alcázares, Anastasio Bastida.
Coinciding with the Bloom, both FMRM president Joaquín Hernández and the mayor of Cieza, Pascual Lucas, organized this first constituent meeting in Cieza, the next scheduled in Caravaca de la Cruz.
The Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia (FMRM) for the proper development of its sector activity, is structured in work commissions, whose fundamental mission is the carrying out of studies and reports, as well as the preparation and holding of seminars and seminars on Matters of municipal interest.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz