The 'Alfami' Foundation allocates a total of 25,070 euros for scholarships to Caravaque students from Primary, Secondary, University Studies, Vocational Training and Special Regime teachings.
In total, the Foundation has granted 105 study grants: 22 university grants of 700 euros each, 4 for training courses of 200 euros, 16 for Baccalaureate of 200 euros and 63 for Primary and Secondary of 90 euros each.
Applications submitted during the last academic year amounted to 175.
Fellows are proposed by the directors of schools, as better knowledge of their skills, or at their own request, subsequently assessing the patronage both the academic record and the family situation of the student.
From the foundation they inform that the list of admitted and excluded can be consulted in the General Register of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz and that during this week the aids will be paid in the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.
The deadline for applying for the scholarships for the 2017/2018 academic year will open next September.
The student must be at least 10 years of age and be registered in Caravaca de la Cruz.
The presidency of the foundation 'Alfami' is held by the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Moreno;
The secretary is the director of the school 'Basilio Sáez', Manuel Marín, and the treasurer is the director of the institute 'San Juan de la Cruz', Isidro de la Ossa.
The Alfami Foundation fulfills the will of Alfonso López Álvarez, whose express intention was to create a foundation of charitable character destined to support students without resources.
Its main purpose, as its statutes expressly establishes, is "to give light to privileged intelligences and obscured by the lack of economic means by means of scholarships for subsidies that facilitate the carrying out of their studies."
The Alfami scholarships were awarded for the first time in 1989. Since then, the foundation has awarded more than 2,000 financial aid to students from Carava, for more than 660,000 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz