Users of the "Ecojardín" Special Employment Center of the Association of Families of Persons with Intellectual Disability in the Northwest (Apcom), reforestan the canapé of the Castle and the Greenway of the Northwest, in the section between the municipalities of Caravaca de la Cruz And Cehegín.
The mayor of Caravaca, José Moreno, who has visited the work this morning, has reported that this is a performance financed by the company Murcia 'Estrella Levante', as patron of the foundation 'Camino de la Cruz', which has a double Benefit, since "in addition to beautifying the emblematic environment of the Castle and the Greenway, with a massive traffic in this Jubilee Year 2017, bets on the labor insertion of people with disabilities, supporting the work of the association Apcom."
Along with the mayor, the director general of the Institute of Tourism of the Region of Murcia, Manuel Fernández Delgado, has moved to the last stage of the 'Camino de Levante';
The director general of Estrella de Levante and Patron of the Camino de la Cruz Foundation, Patricio Valverde, and the president of the Association of Families of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in the Northwest (Apcom), Antonio Castillo.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz