Apcom participates in the program of its regional federation Plena inclusion subsidized by the Ministry of Health thanks to the taxpayers who mark the 'X Solidaria' in their statement.
The association of families of people with intellectual disabilities in the Northwest, Apcom, facilitates that this summer there are children with intellectual disabilities and families at risk of social exclusion who participate in the urban colonies with the rest of the children.
This is possible thanks to the individualized support of specialized professionals who help them to participate in all activities like the others.
In total, three children are benefited in as many colonies of the region, one of them the municipal one organized by the City council of Caravaca de la Cruz.
This initiative reaches the northwest of the hand of the federation of associations Plena Inclusion Region of Murcia, which is integrated Apcom.
It is the federation that develops this program that in total will reach 25 children and young people up to 18 years in 16 urban settlements through 19 professionals.
The families that benefit have limited financial resources or special difficulties of conciliation, etc.
The program of care for people with intellectual disabilities in situations of vulnerability or risk of social exclusion of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality is one of the calls of the IRPF, to be financed thanks to the taxpayers that mark the 'X Solidaria' In the social purpose box of your income statement.
Full inclusion Region of Murcia is the result of the union of more than 3,000 families who work in common for the welfare of people with intellectual disabilities forming 27 entities that employ 500 professionals.
Throughout Spain, full inclusion is made up of 891 entities spread over Spanish territory.
It represents more than 106,700 people with intellectual disabilities, 235,000 family members, 24,000 professionals and 8,000 volunteers.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz