The Councilor for Finance in the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, Julia Giménez, said that the budget presented by the Government team, and rejected in the last plenary session with the votes of the opposition parties, "has been designed to meet The needs of neighbors and neighbors, betting on culture, education, social services and employment, following the management carried out in the previous year and representing a guarantee for the growth of the municipality.
"It gave continuity to the main objectives and to the new line in the local politics that we already set at the beginning of the legislature and that are in force with the budget extended of 2016", emphasized Julia Giménez.
The head of the municipal area of ​​Finance has lamented that budgets did not go forward, as "they were balanced and realistic and an example of responsibility."
In his opinion, the refusal to this budget supposes to have voted against "to liquidate Caravaca Jubilar, of the reinforcements of the Local Police, to pay the loans and to raise 1% the salary to the civil servants, among other aspects, and Everything, despite having on the table the solution to all these situations ".
The General budget of the City Council of Caravaca made for 2017 and debated in Plenary amounted to 23,754,383.00 euros, both in its facet of income and expenditure, in compliance with the principle of budgetary stability and determined the Plan of Adjustment in vigor.
The figure, which represents an increase of 0.77% over the 2016 financial year.
Regarding the chapter on income, the Finance Minister stressed that the Government team "in an exercise of responsibility and realism, opts for prudence despite good tax revenues, betting on effectively managing the current tax system and municipal tax collection ".
From the State of revenue, the ordinary or current are in the order of 23.46 million euros, compared to 23.24 million euros in 2016, an increase of 0.96%.
Of the State of Expenses, also estimated at 23,571,873.46 euros, it is worth mentioning the eminently social character.
The Government's main goal is to promote Social Services and employment policies, with different lines of action.
Real investments, both with own resources and capital transfers, amount to 1,042,100 euros, with actions such as improvements in roads for the amount of 262,773 euros, reform of the Paseo de San Clara for 155,594 euros or conservation of rural roads by value Of 30,000 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz