The X Environment Days include lectures, an exhibition and a workshop and will be closed on Sunday, November 12, with a march for the defense of sidewalks and public roads
After last year the Caralluma Association celebrated with an exhibition and a large cycle of activities its 40 years of existence, this year, with the collaboration of the Department of Environment of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, returns to offer the society and its Environment Days, which in its tenth edition will be dedicated to the recovery of livestock trails, paths and public roads.
"The relative ignorance of the problems associated with livestock trails and roads by the general public, as well as the reticence and exasperating slowness of public administrations when promoting concrete measures for their protection, have been some of the reasons most important for which Caralluma has decided to dedicate their days to this issue, initiating a social debate from which we intend that there is an impulse for the recovery of these public spaces, "according to the president of the aforementioned association, Bernardo Robles.
The old ravines, sidewalks and cordels, with their resting places and drinking troughs, are a dense network that occupies thousands of square kilometers throughout Spain of land for the most part of great environmental value, whose use for livestock transport has declined, but has not disappeared. .
In the region, the total area of ​​this network can be estimated at more than two thousand hectares.
The growing abandonment of the cattle trails has promoted in numerous places undue occupations and interruptions by fences and other obstacles, thus losing their functionality and seeing their width diminished.
All these actions are outside the law, however, the lack of demarcation and demarcation of the cattle trails prevents in many cases that they are restored to their initial characteristics.
There is also a network of ancestral public roads that in many places is being appropriated or interrupted by private owners because there is no exhaustive study based on old documentation and a proper cataloging and legal protection that allows to show its public character.
Caralluma and the Department of the Environment of the City of Caravaca de la Cruz invite all citizens to participate in these conferences, which aim to inform everyone of the great almost unknown heritage we have, and obtain the commitment of administrations for their protection and recovery.
Recovery of Roads, Roads and Public Roads
Assembly Hall of the House of Culture
Caravaca de la Cruz
A heritage of all
It is estimated that there are about 125,000 kilometers of livestock trails in Spain, which represent a larger area than the island of Mallorca.
They are public lands that, together with roads and paths, represent a dense web grid in the form of a cobweb that connects natural spaces, allows the movement of livestock and the movement of people.
This immense patrimony is unknown to most of the population and has been traditionally forgotten by public administrations, which in many cases has meant its occupation and the loss of its functionality.
The Caraluma Association through these conferences aims to publicize the great value of our ravines, paths, paths and paths, and initiate a debate on the need for recovery, both to reactivate their ancestral uses, and for their empowerment as environmental corridors and even for possible recreational uses
THEMATIC EXHIBITION: From November 6 to 11 in the Assembly Hall of the House of Culture.
Hours: from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Monday, November 6
19:00 Inauguration of the Conference.
19:15 "Some background on livestock and transhumance in Caravaca".
Diego Marín Ruiz de Assín.
Doctor in History
20:00 "Environmental importance of transhumance".
Jesús Garzón Heydt.
President of the Council of the Mesta
Friday, November 10
19:30 "Defending the Heritage of the Livestock Tracks in Murcia".
Hector Quijada.
Ecologists in Action of the Murcia Region.
20:30 "Cattle movements and livestock trails in the Region of Murcia and the surroundings of the Sierra de Segura".
Antonio Contreras de Vera.
University professor.
Faculty of Veterinary of Murcia.
Saturday, November 11
18:00 "Craft cowbell workshop"
Antonio Ramón García Martínez.
18:45 "Transhumance of the past? Paths of the future"
Mª Carmen García.
Graphic Charter of Roads Livestock.
19:15 "Citizen action on public roads and livestock trails".
Manuel Trujillo Carmona.
Coordinator of the Iberian Platform for Public Roads.
20: 15 Award of the Caralluma Award 2017 for the Conservation of the Environment.
20:30 Round Table: "Proposals for the recovery of heritage of livestock trails and public roads."
Regional administration of Murcia.
City Council of Caravaca.
Iberian Platform for Public Roads.
Sports Association La Vara Trail.
ALVELAL Association.
Sunday, November 12
March for the defense of sidewalks and public roads.
Place of departure: Santa Inés Industrial Estate, next to Frutas Caravaca.
Time: 10:00 am
Approximate duration: 2.5 hours.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz