The national deputies have made a pilgrimage today to the Sanctuary of the True Cross
The national deputies of the Popular Party for the Region of Murcia have pilgrimage this morning to the Sanctuary of Vera Cruz in Caravaca, accompanied by their families and the president of the PP in the municipality, Jose Francisco Garcia.
The adjunct spokesman of the GPP in the Congress, Teodoro García, affirmed that 2017 "has been the most important Jubilee Year in the history of Caravaca, the one that attracted more people, more direct investment has generated and more wealth has created".
García has referred to the impact that the fiscal incentives collected in the General State Budgets this year have had, "in direct and indirect investments they have generated more than 10 million euros".
And he added that they have been "the longest and most productive incentives".
"This Jubilee Year has become a national and international reference," he said.
The deputy spokesman of the PP in the lower house has highlighted how the people of Caravaca has turned to the event "we must thank and recognize the welcome to the pilgrims by merchants, businesses and all caravaqueños in general."
The president of the PP in Caravaca, José Francisco García, thanked the presence of national deputies who "come as more pilgrims" and said that thanks to the Jubilee Year "Caravaca and Vera Cruz are religious symbols that go beyond the Region".
Source: GPP