Caravaca de la Cruz is one of the venues of the conference 'An education for the 21st century.
Looks from the sciences and the arts', with three activities, which have been presented by the Councilor for Education and Youth, Esther Poveda, and the representative of the organizing committee in the Northwest Region, José Clemente Rubio.
In total there are about a hundred events planned within the framework of these days, which will be happening until next March 15, in 14 municipalities of the Region of Murcia.
The activities scheduled in Caravaca will begin this Wednesday, January 31, with the conference 'Democratic municipal school council: Educating City', which will be borne by the professor of the University of Valencia, Jaume Martínez Bonafé.
On Thursday, February 22, screening of the documentary 'In the same boat' will take place, which will be accompanied by a talk, presented and moderated by Ginés Gómez, member of the organizing committee of the conference.
Finally, on Tuesday, March 6, the president of the Association of Young Women of the Region of Murcia (MuJoMur), Loola Pérez, will offer the conference 'Building relationships of equality since adolescence: Loves without sexism'.
The three activities mentioned will be held in the auditorium of the House of Culture 'Emilio Sáez', at 8:00 pm, with free access.
The councilor who directs the areas of Education and Youth in the City of Caravaca de la Cruz has declared that "it is a pleasure to collaborate for the third year with these days, which combine multiple perspectives in order to enrich education, understood as a multidisciplinary phenomenon , subject to changes and novelties. "
On the other hand, from the organizing committee they emphasize that these days, promoted by the Association of Pensioners and STERM Retired Teachers with the collaboration of different institutions, combine a series of conferences on various topics, the presentation of educational experiences and the exhibition "Public School Future of education ", which will address current issues and problems in the field of education and teaching, reinforced by theatrical activities, narrations, concerts, documentaries and musical activities, as well as workshops on scientific and philosophical content, narrative or artistic.
"The activities are not only directed to teachers and students, but to society as a whole, with a leading role for parents," said José Clemente Rubio.
If there is something that characterizes Education, it is a complex, multidisciplinary phenomenon and, therefore, object of different visions from the scope of the different sciences and arts.
The changes and developments that have taken place in each of the last decades will influence, or are already influencing, what education will be in the 21st century.
The complexity of this task, formative or educational, is reinforced by the fact that it has a double theoretical and practical perspective that unfortunately tend to develop separately.
In order to combine this double perspective and accommodate the plurality of voices that allow us to understand the current complexity of Education, the IV Conference held the title "An education for the 21st century 2018. Views from the sciences and the arts."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz