The caravaqueño institute 'Ginés Pérez Chirinos' works, in collaboration with other two centers of England and Holland, in the project 'Respect 4 diversity, diversity 4 respect', funded through the program 'Erasmus +'.
"This project tries, through exchanges and numerous activities, to promote in the students behaviors contrary to any type of discrimination because of gender, race, culture or sex", as reported by the Councilor for Social Services, María José Soria, along with professors Nuria López, Elisa Sánchez and María Rosa Martínez and the president of the local Red Cross delegation, Elena Jiménez.
In this project 'Erasmus +' are involved more than 60 students, of the fourth year of ESO.
The RSG-Enkhuizen institute and the Laidlaw School Trust-Excelsior Academy participate together with the caravaqueño institute.
The caravaqueños already visited Newcastle last November, knowing first-hand initiatives such as the food bank or multicultural schools.
From November 19 to 23, Dutch and English students will travel to Caravaca de la Cruz and for this reason the IES 'Ginés Pérez Chirinos' has prepared an extensive program of activities, such as a talk on the refugee support program that leads to Cape Cruz Roja, a tour of the facilities of Maritime Rescue in Cartagena, a visit to Granada and various workshops that will allow them to learn about Spanish culture through music.
They will also discover the traditions and festivities of Caravaca, paying special attention to Holy Week and the patron saint festivities, with workshops on saetas and mochas moras and cristinas, among other initiatives.
In October, the project 'Respect 4 diversity, diversity 4 respect' will culminate in Holland, where the theme will be centered on the promotion of tolerant and non-discriminatory behaviors in relation to the LGTB collective.
"It is much more than an exchange to use, it is an ambitious project, which is enriching the students culturally and fostering in them behaviors of respect and tolerance towards all groups of society, especially towards those who suffer some type of discrimination", explained Professor Elisa Sánchez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz