The meeting ended today with the reception offered by the mayor in the Plenary Hall of the City Council
More than 60 students of the institute 'Ginés Pérez Chirinos', the institute RSG-Enkhuizen (Holland) and Laidlaw School Trust-Excelsior Academy (England) have lived for a week in Caravaca de la Cruz, within a European program 'Erasmus +' , oriented to the knowledge and respect of the social diversity and to promote conducts contrary to any type of discrimination because of gender, race, culture or sex.
During these last days, the 'Ginés Pérez Chirinos' has carried out an ambitious and varied program of activities, making known the project of reception and attention to refugees carried out by the Red Cross in the Region of Murcia, showing the facilities of Maritime Rescue in Cartagena and deepening aspects on Catholic and Muslim religions, through workshops and cultural visits that have taken place in the cities of Granada and Caravaca de la Cruz.
"It is very rewarding to see how three schools from three different countries collaborate to educate in generosity and solidarity, European society is diverse and this enriches us all, it is always better to embrace than to close your arms and I hope that with this program you have enhanced the ability to embrace, respecting all those people who need our help, "said the mayor, José Moreno, during the reception offered in the Plenary Hall of the City, which has been accompanied by the councilor of Enrique Fuentes and members of the faculty of 'Ginés Pérez Chirinos'.
The program in which the three centers work is entitled 'Respect 4 diversity, diversity 4 respect', funded through the 'Erasmus +' program.
"It is much more than an exchange to use, it is an ambitious project, which is enriching the students culturally and fostering in them behaviors of respect and tolerance towards all groups of society, especially towards those who suffer some type of discrimination", as explained by Professor Elisa Sánchez.
The caravaqueños already visited Newcastle last November, knowing first-hand initiatives such as the food bank, multicultural school centers or host programs for the 'homeless'.
In October, the project 'Respect 4 diversity, diversity 4 respect' will culminate in Holland, where the theme will be centered on the promotion of tolerant and non-discriminatory behaviors in relation to the LGTB collective.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz