The councilman of Celebrations and Culture in the City council of Caravaca de la Cruz, Óscar Martínez, and the president of the Almorávides cabila, José Severiano Rodríguez, presented the XXXVII edition of the Almorávide Cultural Week, which includes the children's and youth competitions of literary creation and drawing on the Feasts of the Cross.
"This is one of the classic activities of the Caravaqueña prefiesta, which has helped to spread the meaning of our patron celebrations among so many caravaqueños schoolchildren throughout these 37 years, encouraging the quarry of our parties," said the mayor Óscar Martínez, who thanked Albávides for the effort of organizing this Cultural Week, whose main objective is for children and young people to express, plastically or in writing, their experiences and vision of the Feasts of the Cross.
For his part, José Severiano Rodríguez thanked the involvement of all schools in the municipality, as well as the City of Caravaca de la Cruz, the Brotherhood of Vera Cruz and collaborating firms (Hospital Bernal, Grupo Reina, Plaza Massima, Martinez Ambulances Robles, EC Aventura La Puerta de Moratalla ', El Noroeste Weekly, Cajamurcia Foundation, Zambú and Jewelry' El Chavo).
The works of drawing and painting that attend these competitions will be exhibited from April 16 to 19 in the Culture Classroom of the Cajamurcia Foundation.
The awards ceremony will take place on April 20, at 7:00 pm, in the auditorium of the House of Culture 'Emilio Sáez'.
1. The theme of the works will be: "FIESTAS DE LA CRUZ"
2. The size of the works will be that of an A-4 (297x210mm), in any type of paper or canvas that is not drilled and that is white, all those works that do not meet the specified requirements will be disqualified;
being the technique free and recommended the use of several colors.
Only one work per student can be submitted.
3. Students from any teaching center in the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz may participate.
4. The categories are established:
• A) Early Childhood Education (3 years)
• B) Early Childhood Education (4 years)
• C) Early Childhood Education (5 years)
• D) Primary Education (1st and 2nd Year)
• E) Primary Education (3rd and 4th Course)
• F) Primary Education (5th and 6th Course)
• G) 1st ESO Cycle
• H) 2nd cycle of ESO
• I) Special Education (AVANZA - APCOM - ASCRUZ)
5. Each center will make a preliminary selection to present a maximum of 3 works for each group of students.
6. 3 prizes will be awarded per category.
7. The deadline for submission of papers will be until April 13 (Drawing and painting).
On the back of each work, the name and surname of the author, age, course, address and the seal of the center shall be recorded.
The works will be delivered in press TORRES-ROMERA, Pedro Campos avenue, 19 - Bajo (Tel 968 70 22 20).
8. The exhibition will take place in the Culture Hall of CajaMurcia, from April 16 to 19, 2018. The awards ceremony will take place at the "Emilio Sáez" House of Culture, on April 20, starting at 7 pm.
9. The jury will be composed of professors, students, representatives of the Commission of Celebrations and components of the Almoravides Cábila.
10. The evaluation of the works will be done according to the criteria of creativity, color, originality, etc.
Work that is considered a copy will be discarded.
11. All the works will remain the property of Cábila Almorávides, reserving this the right to grant as many special prizes as it deems appropriate.
(You can not leave any work after delivering them).
12. The decision of the jury is considered unappealable.
13. The fact of participating in this contest implies acceptance of these rules.
1. Directed to the school population.
2. The contest is limited to the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz.
3. The originals must be submitted in double-spaced form, without the author's name.
The author's data will be in a sealed envelope and to identify the creation a slogan will be placed, which will also carry the envelope with the writer's data.
Both will be included in a sealed envelope with no return address.
The data of the participant will be:
- Name and surname.
- Age.
- Center where you study and course or profession.
- Phone number for your location.
- Personal address.
They will be sent to the email: (In subject LITERARY CREATION COMPETITION) Name and pseudonym, in Word format.
4. The works will deal with "THE FEASTS OF THE CROSS", and may not exceed the extension of three folios on one side in double space.
Works with misspellings will be original and penalized.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz