PSOE Local Group has a newsletter on Caravaca de la Cruz and his parishes, in it the reader will find all the political, the disturbing local economy accumulates debt (and increases) the PP government equipment, the Homelessness (especially youth) and the lack of industrial land in the industrial area of Cavila it impossible for new companies to relocate to our town, the dirty streets, the damage to parks and gardens, a real shame for caravaqueños and the tourist.
The newsletter also forget about the carelessness of the government team in districts: find a photo selection of the parlous state of its streets and rural roads.
Of course you can not miss the refurbishment of the roundabout, still unfinished, although the mayor repeatedly has said, untruthfully, that at a certain date would be completed.
Also in this newsletter, readers will find information on steps that the Socialist Party is proposing the Regional Assembly, as the improvement of the medieval quarter.
In short, this newsletter plasma a reality, a politically exhausted Government team, which not only has no solutions, but that creates more and more problems caravaqueños.
A municipal government far from the concerns of caravaqueños for a legislature that has had its disastrous climax in this Holy Year which has shown all its shortcomings, like a runaway unemployment that exceeds 2,400 people, as in the previous municipal elections the party Popular promised that their projects would solve the problem of unemployment.
In the words of the secretary general of the Socialist Group, Juan Romero "Just try to be the forum for democratic coexistence that every municipality must be between citizens and government, so we inform people of concern, dedication and thorough work done by both Municipal Socialist Group as the Local Group. "
This newsletter will be a working tool of the Local Group as we will be closer to the citizens closer to their problems, complaints, or suggestions, we are a group of people near the village and hamlets, in the final work for them all. "
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz