Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) of Caravaca do know that this coming Saturday, January 15, in the War Theatre in the capital of Spain is hosting the official launch of the 200 candidates for mayors of major cities and towns Spain by UPyD.
There, the candidate will attend this training by Caravaca de la Cruz, Miguel Sánchez López, the young lawyer caravaqueño that last November was elected to represent this political formation in the Ciudad de la Cruz.
Rosa Diez's party also announced that soon will release some of the members of their lists both the City of Caravaca as the Regional Assembly for the constituency of North-Rio Mula, meanwhile the team electoral program settings of UPyD in Caravaca still working on the various proposals to carry on its agenda at local and regional elections of May.
Source: UPyD Caravaca de la Cruz