From the socialist ranks regret that the legal situation is greatly complicated the City against litigation brought by the construction of the UTE CARAVACA at the court of contentious No. 4 in Murcia have been proved right in their demand that resolve and settle the contract works, clearly blaming the council of the causes that led to the breach of it.
Sign the statement to be made, the City would pay for the various works executed and delivered by land and quantities, some 8.56 million euros, plus interest (9%), with 6% of the value of works left to do (in terms of industrial benefits).
Sentence to run now, talking about a settlement that would far exceed the 10 million euros.
Before this we state the following:
At the time, when it won the contract from the socialist ranks argued that "land should not compromise the existing football field to play a strategic role within the very heritage of municipal land," that "was acting in haste" and "The consequences of the caravaqueños end up paying."
Subsequently, given the accumulation of irregularities, we have introduced several initiatives to avoid worse consequences, saying that "consideration should terminate the contract forthwith to be compliance technically and legally unviable" and the "reasons for this could be attributed the City "and therefore" did not make sense now require strict compliance with the contract. "
As the ruling stands, it is the unavailability City municipal land intended for any of the projects (eg the municipal park and road safety education along with Garden Road) or suspension by the Board of Governors the works of the Interpretation Center of the Mills by the presence of archaeological remains.
The same applies to the need to pre-approve a Special Plan (never did), to be located the area where the new stadium and other sports facilities, parking, access to the site, and so on.
In any case, we have never been informed of the time, content and outcome of any negotiations between the City and the UTE.
We are facing a delicate situation for the city of Caravaca, which has no credit, no real ability to borrow or to address legal and public property also has no land could be sold to satisfy such amount.
Finally, from the Municipal Socialist Group, Alfonso Sanchez reiterated once again that policies should take responsibility "for this, in turn asked for the resignation of Mr. Amador Lopez, former Councillor for Urban Development, although we believe the Mayor Domingo Aranda, chief political embarking on a project to the City flawed from the outset and in addition to being unable to stop in time before the volume of work performed, some no priority (such as the Mills Building), was unaffordable for the City. "
The spokesman, Fernando Romera said that "Mr. Mayor asked the public again and clearly assume their responsibilities and to appear at the next plenary session to explain the process and plans to offer solutions in the case quite likely that in the last instance ratify the sentence. "
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz