A new feature is the tennis school for children with disabilities Rafa Nadal Foundation
The Department of Sports City of Caravaca offer 1300 seats in a dozen different sports within the Municipal Sports Schools campaign 2011/2012.
Registration to participate in scheduled activities can be taken from next Monday, September 12, at the offices of the pavilion Juan Antonio Corbalan.
"Providing children and youth in the municipality of healthy leisure alternatives and promote a love of sports from an early age are our priorities and on this basis we have developed an ambitious and we want to cover different tastes and needs," he Sports featured the mayor, Emilio Perez, who presented the program accompanied by the Head of the Sports, Pedro Antonio in April.
The council has announced some new features for this course, as the School of Rafa Nadal Foundation to children with intellectual disabilities or school of Beach Volleyball.
These activities are in addition to other classical and who enjoy wide acceptance as Gymnastics, Football, Basketball and Athletics.
Schools will develop from September 19 to May 31 sports facilities in the city center and districts, in natural areas, the sports complex at La Loma and the riding school "The Caravacón."
Municipal Sports School about 15 teams will participate in competitions for the federation, and a large number of individual athletes who will represent Caravaca de la Cruz in official competitions.
The past year were more than 1,200 children from the category EASYSHOP_LINKNAME to Cadet, who participated in Municipal Sports Schools and offered specific activities from the Sports Department.
Moreover, it is noteworthy that contemplate tuition discounts of 40% for the second sibling and 20% for families with the card of the Association of Parents.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz