The Council has to face a total bill for electricity only over one million €, which corresponds to almost 600,000 € streetlights and other municipal buildings, bill has barely declined in recent years, being urgent to act saving measures and energy efficiency, both for regulatory compliance as required by the savings in times of crisis.
Although the city of Caravaca de la Cruz, this summer has in place an energy savings plan for public lighting of streets and districts of the urban and ornamental lighting of the monuments, we feel that it is delayed because it is more than two years to file a motion, which passed, calling for major municipal savings measures and energy efficiency.
What has been done so far is rather believe, as stated by Alfonso Sanchez, as they can and should achieve higher rates of savings as far as lighting is concerned.
Right now, a reduction in lighting that on average is between 20 and 25% when an appropriate investment plan and can reach close to 50% savings, investments that pay off quickly.
This plan should also include savings in municipal buildings for public use.
We have therefore proposed that the next plenary will adopt the following RESOLUTION:
Developing a savings plan and energy efficiency that affects all municipal buildings for public use, including primary schools.
Development of an energy saving plan for street lighting which provides as follows:
Set the maximum time on and off the lighting.
Progressive replacement of lamps increased consumption and do not reduce intensity (as in the whole extension of Gran Vía).
Progressive replacement of electrical panels for other automated telematics control.
Current reduction of up to 50% as possible after 23 hours.
Total or partial shutdown sobreiluminadas areas or leading to uninhabited areas (Caravaca example Equestrian Club, the Incarnation to the Hermitage).
Turning off all decorative lighting from one o'clock (ie, all the monuments).
The proper control and maintenance.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz