For the next sitting to be held on Monday, the Municipal Socialist Group will present several initiatives that regret that not all can be addressed as it happens so loaded agenda:
First we hope that you can treat the motion presented last April regarding the critical situation that is Caravaca Jubilee, what we have for the moment the slightest response from the Mayor to our requests, despite that this motion has gone through two plenary untreated.
With the motion referring to the arrangement UI, cleaning and maintenance of the Barrio Nuevo, our local group has tabled an amendment to include other neighborhoods that are also in total neglect and need some real action as well as other areas of Caravaca.
We therefore propose to the Plenary Hall to add the next point of agreement:
That the Municipal Government is committed to making the necessary arrangements and the consequent maintenance of public spaces, provision of street furniture and policing in the Ejido Park and its surroundings, and in the Aranjuez district and neighborhood of San Vicente.
On the other hand we present the following REQUESTS the Mayor:
Be fully implemented as agreed at the plenary session of June 16, 2010 which approved the following motion of the PP on emergency measures to save for the City after rejecting a motion filed broader, in that sense, the PSOE:
FIRST .- Reduce wages by 8% the salaries of Mayor and 7% of the council released.
For the council without dedication of the government and opposition will be reduced by 5%.
SECOND .- Reduce also implemented the agreements of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities, the remuneration of the headquarters area, department or service exclusively between 8% and 10%.
THIRD .- Reduce allocations to local political groups by 25%. "
After reviewing the budgets of 2011, far from implementing agreed measures, we observe that reductions are actually half of what was agreed in respect of 2010 earnings do not come down to 4.7% for those who play area headquarters, department or service with exclusivity, ie not implemented the agreed reductions ranging from 8% to 10%, keeping intact almost certain that we consider exorbitant salaries, against the austerity that has long been demanding debt before that accumulates the City Council.
What has been fully implemented is the reduction of 25% allocation to political groups to operate.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz