The Councillors of the Municipal Group Socialist sorry to adjourned the plenary session yesterday without treating the motion as presented in last April on the critical situation that is Caravaca Jubilee, having refused the mayor, for no reason, to advance that point to be addressed before timing out the session, as prompted by the Plenary itself, demonstrating the abdication of responsibility that has demonstrated in recent months, the mayor, in order to give explanations to opposition groups on the delicate issue of Caravaca Jubilee, where and how appropriate, something that seems particularly troubling.
For this reason, this week requested the convening of an extraordinary plenary session in the shortest time possible, whose only agenda is: "once again urge the Mayor to account in Parliament of the situation and a feasibility plan Caravaca for future retirees as well as urgently convene the Board of Directors "under the provisions of the Rules of Organization and Functioning Legal System of Local Government, being possible in this case also the presentation of a a Motion in order that the House states its position on that paragraph, as provided in that legislation.
Source: PSOE Caravaca de la Cruz