The social hall in the hamlet of La Encarnación in the afternoon today hosts the Fourth Meeting of Rural Women in the municipality of Caravaca.
The planned events will begin at 18.00 hours with a talk about participation and partnership, with the participation of the Councillor for Women and Social Development, Carmen Ruiz, and Paloma Recio, former director of the Institute of Women and Aging.
Subsequently, there will be a tribute to Pilar Ruiz de Assin, the selfless work done throughout his life for the people of the Incarnation, and a recital by students of the Conservatory of Music.
Finally, attendees will be shared between the recently released publication "Partnerships, groups and participation of women."
The City of Caravaca de la Cruz has been organizing this meeting in order to commemorate the Rural Women's Day and create a space for meeting and exchange of ideas between the various associations formed in the township.
The event this evening is expected to attend components Almudema associations, Barranda, Los Prados, Singla, Pinilla of San Jose, Navares, Archivel, The Incarnation, Santa Elena housewives and widows of Caravaca.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz